Penultimate week!

Dear all,

The week ends with a fabulous Christmas Jumper Day. A big thank you for all your contributions to go towards Save the Children.


In English this week, we have nearly completed writing the text for our explanatory leaflets. We will complete next week and then publish our explanation leaflets for how to care for a magical snowman. Look out for them in the school office!

Just another reminder of links for suggested book reads for Year 4. Please find attached a suggested link for some challenging suggestions of new reading.

In Maths, we have started our Geometry unit. This week we investigated different problems associated with angles, properties of shape and different types of lines (parallel, perpendicular, diagonal). Next week we will continue with shape and look at symmetry with a Christmas theme. We will be continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills and related division facts as these will help the children in our upcoming fractions unit.

We have had many queries about greater depth questions on Sumdog. With every 100 questions completed there is a new and greater challenge.

In RE, we continue with our Advent unit looking at the ancestry of Christ through scripture relating to the Jessie Tree.


Golden Key

4s: Albie Brough: ‘For being a helpful and thoughtful member of the class.’

4B: Joseph Lyon: ‘For showing commitment to his learning.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Nicole Chen: ‘For writing an introduction to hook the reader.’

4B: Alfie Wingrove-Cross: ‘For his effective opening to his explanation text.’


Monday 17th December 2.15pm Year 4 Music concert in the school hall. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.

Wednesday 19th December – Christmas Lunch

Friday 21st December – Inset Day

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

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