Getting in to our new routines!

Dear all,

Our second week has seen the children getting more practised at our class learning routines. Our aim is to develop independence in learning task using our 5 B’s – Brain, Book, Board, Buddy, Boss.  We are encouraging the children to use the resources in the class and peer support to take greater ownership in evaluating their next learning steps.  We will support through planning targeted guided group work and assessment to provide appropriate learning challenges.

In English this week we continue using ‘Stitch Head’ by Guy Bass to inspire the children to develop character description. The children have created their own monsters and will be applying the skills taught to write a description about their own character.  We will focus on using expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses.

In Maths, we have continued to secure fluency in place value for 2,3, and 4 digit numbers and have given the children the opportunity to apply this knowledge through problem solving and reasoning task.  We have also introduced rounding to the nearest 10 in 2 and 3 digit numbers.  Next week we will continue rounding to 10, rounding to 100 and beginning look at negative numbers in the context of temperature.

In RE, we are looking at the Creation unit and reflecting and offering responses to how we have been made in the image and likeness of God and how are we unique.


Golden Key

4s: Promise Mndzebele: ‘ For using the gifts God gave her to set a fabulous example to the class in her behaviour and learning attitude.’

4B: Ryan Smith: ‘For using the gifts God gave him to work consistently hard throughout the week.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Bradley-Ray Polley: For commitment to listening to feedback and using his previous writing to improve a character description.

4B: Poppy Taylor-Sayers: For using precise descriptive vocabulary to create her character description.


We were unable to upload the Year 4 Welcome Evening powerpoint for school server security reasons so if you were not at the meeting and wish to have the powerpoint presentation then please send a note in with your child and we will pass on a paper copy.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 4 Team




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