The summer holidays are here! Well done to you all, children and parents alike, for getting to the end of the school year. What great things have been achieved!
Whilst the break is very much a chance to relax and enjoy the summer with friends and family, we have spoken to the children about the importance of keeping their brains ticking over in preparation for Year 5 – we don’t want them to find it a greater struggle than necessary. To do this we have suggested that they purchase a scrapbook or notebook to record these different tasks:
- Read a variety of texts regularly and complete 4 book reviews.
- Write 2 stories inspired your summer adventures (your Sentence Types hand-out will help ensure good quality).
- Complete plenty of maths activities (SumDog, times tables, problems – your Challenge Cards hand-out will ensure you have variety).
- Practice your spellings in a variety of ways (your Year 3/4 hand-out will provide you with words to practice, plus have a look in preparation at the Year 5/6 words which you can download below).
Your Year 5 teachers will be keen to see what you’ve been doing over the Summer Holiday.
But most of all, have fun and relax… We look forward to seeing you in September!
Team 4.