Friday 18th May 2018

In Maths this week, we’ve been revisiting our Geometry topic, looking specifically at co-ordinates and translating shapes on a grid.


In English, we’ve begun planning our setting description for our Beowulf unit of work and will begin writing our final piece next week.


In RE this week we have started our Pentecost and Mission unit where we’ve looked at Acts 1 and 2 in order to fully understand the events surrounding the ‘gift of tongues’ and the effect on the Apostles and Christianity.


The children have the same spellings as last week, following the rules:

  • take off the ‘e’
  • double the consonant
  • do nothing
  • take off the ‘y’ , add an ‘i’
  • add a ‘k’
  • if the root work ends in a ‘l’ always double it.

Now they just need to work out the rules for when you need to do each of these!


Finally, Maths homework this week is to continue using SumDog as much as possible.


Have a lovely weekend


Team 4 🙂

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