Friday 11th May 2018

In Maths this week, we’ve been revisiting our Geometry topic, looking specifically at the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, including the lengths of the sides, the size of the angles, lines of symmetry and whether or not they contain parallel lines. This is a tricky topic that requires the children to internalise the different properties in order to identify different 2D shapes. Use these posters below to help revise:



In English, we’ve begun gathering high-level vocabulary to use in the setting description of the Lake of Demons, home to the feared Grendel, enemy of Beowulf.

In RE this week we have finished off our Easter unit and look forward to beginning Pentecost on Monday.

The children have been given new spellings to practice which we will test them on in two weeks’ time. You should find these in their homework diaries. To recap:

Groups 1 and 2:

Chop -> chopped

Slice -> sliced

Try -> tried

Blend -> blended

Shred -> shredded


Groups 3 and 4:

Decide -> decided

Enjoy -> enjoyed

Commit -> committed

Inherit -> inherited

Mimic -> mimicked


The children have worked out that before adding -ed, they may need to:

  • take off the ‘e’
  • double the consonant
  • do nothing
  • take off the ‘y’ , add an ‘i’
  • add a ‘k’

Now they just need to work out the rules for when you need to do each of these!

Finally, Maths homework this week is to use SumDog as much as possible. There is a national competition running at the moment with bonus prizes available for children who complete over 100 questions, and we really want to see 4PA and 4F up there on the leader board! We can remind you of passwords and usernames if necessary.

Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!


Team 4 🙂

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