Thursday 29th March 2018

This week in Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of using the grid method. The children have been given a crib sheet for using short division which they should look at for homework.

In English, we’ve been writing our final copy of our letter in role as Jemmy Button, to his mother. There are some really beautiful, emotional examples where the children have shown real empathy for the character and his difficult journey.

In RE, we’ve finished our unit on Lent, reflecting on what we’ve learnt about the key themes of forgiveness, prayer, almsgiving, temptation, self-denial and fasting.

For spellings over the Easter holidays, the children have been given a little longer to work on the Spellathon. The Spellathon test will now be on Monday 16th April 2018. Please ensure that your child brings their sponsorship form and money in after Easter to add to our CAFOD collection.



Have a restful break!

Team 4.

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