Friday 15th December 2017


In Maths we have begun a unit on Fractions which will continue into January. We have looked at representing fractions on number lines, in a fraction bar and as a sentence. We have even looked at improper fractions and converted them into mixed number fractions, for example, 7/8 = 1 whole and 1/8.

In English we have been publishing our explanation texts, ‘How to care for your snowman’. They’re looking beautiful! Look out for examples around the school when they’re finished.

In RE this week we have been looking at the Bible stories associated with Jesus’s ancestor. Phoebe’s favourite story is from Genesis 22: 1-9 and is about Abraham and Isaac. Abraham, under the instruction of God, goes to a mountain to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. At the last minute, God stops him. She says “God told Abraham what to do and he obeyed him so he’s proven himself to be a follower of God.”

For homework this week, please can the children continue practising the spellings of their choice, plus times tables.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 4


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