We hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Here’s a quick round up of what we have been learning this week in Year 4…
In Maths we have started a unit on multiplication and division. We’re relying heavily on our times tables knowledge, so thank you to all of you have been busy practicing in light of parents’ evening targets. We have been using our knowledge of commutative law to solve tricky multiplication problems such as 18 x 5 by writing 18 as a product of its factors, e.g. 2 x 9. We have been reordering the factors to find the easiest way to multiply mentally, e.g. 2 x 5 x 9.
In English we have been writing superb synopses of The Snowman using a variety of language such as fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and ‘show – don’t tell’ sentences. Here is a snippet from Tilly’s work:
“Beaming through the thin glass, the sunlight wakes the boy. Remembering his frosty friend, he slides down the rickety banister for the second time. He slams the door open and runs outside. A cold tear drops down his face. His snowman is gone.”
In RE we have just finished our unit on Prayers, Saints and Feasts and we look forward to beginning our work on Advent next week!
Spellings this week are any words ending in the suffix -ful, e.g. careful, beautiful, graceful, etc. Children will be tested on the rule.
See you on Monday 🙂
Team 4