Friday 17th November 2017


In English this week, we have been preparing to start writing a synopsis on ‘The Snowman’ by Raymond Briggs. We have created a ‘freeze frame’ tableau retelling the different sections of the story and have adapted past tense verbs into present tense verbs. The children have found this a little tricky, so if you can help your child with this at home, it would be a great advantage!

In Maths, we have continued looking at money, converting pounds into pence and vice versa. We have used our rounding skills to estimate the cost of buying multiple items for a fictional birthday party. Again, any practice you can give your child to use money and buy things will be a real help!

In RE, we have looked at the Luminous Mysteries, the miracles Jesus performed during His preaching years. As part of Anti-Bullying Week, we have showed how we value all of God’s creations and suggested ways to support people who are affected by bullying.

4HA have now finished their computing lessons (programming robots) at Oaklands and 4F look forward to starting theirs the week after next! Keep your eyes peeled for photographs at the end of the term from both classes’ experiences.

Finally, keep working hard on SumDog and times tables. These are the spellings for the week, all of which follow the double consonant rule (a short vowel sound leads to a double consonant, a long vowel sound leads to a single consonant):

Easier Spellings







Trickier Spellings









We look forward to seeing you all at parents’ evening next week. Don’t forget to book in if you haven’t already!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Year 4 Team


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