This week has ended on a high with the ‘Two Steves’ (of ‘Action Dogs’ and ‘iHero’ fame) visiting our school. The children have been inspired by the authors’ visit, including an assembly and an opportunity to buy books and have them signed. A few children from our year had the opportunity to meet the guests and a couple even had the chance to have lunch with them!
In Maths, this week we have begun a module on money; looking at different ways to make a given amount and comparing the values of different collections of coins. We finished the week by rounding amounts to estimate the cost of items.
In English we have been focussing on how we can write varied and interesting sentences, including fronted adverbials (to tell the reader how, where and when something happens), show-not-tell (to show how a character is feeling through their actions) and short sentences for effect. We have also played around with using paired emotive words as sentences starters, e.g. ‘Afraid yet intrigued, the boy and the snowman flew into the air.’
In RE, we have looked at the work of Moina Michael, an American woman who started the tradition of poppy-wearing around Armistice day. We thought about the emotions connected with the poppy to identify its symbolism and then used some of those keywords to write thoughtful and thought-provoking messages for an offering at our school Remembrance service on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Team 4