Week 6

Happy Friday everyone, we wish you a wonderful weekend! Just to summarise what we’ve been up to this week in Year 4…

In English we have been writing newspaper reports about the ‘Iron Man Attack’ at Northney Farm, Hayling Island. We have been using language to engage the reader, subordinate clauses to add extra information, a range of sentence openers and speech punctuation to add quotes from eye-witnesses. Some of the best published versions will be shown at the Northney Farm Tea Rooms!

In Maths we have really enjoyed manipulating numbers using our knowledge of multiplication and division. We have doubled and halved numbers and multiplied and divided them by 10 and 100. We have looked at number sentences and used the inverse to find new facts – the connections between numbers that children have found are truly amazing! On Friday we launched our new Maths homework platform, SumDog, which replaces MyMaths and Abacus. Your child should have their username and log in in their bag so that they can log on to the website from anywhere to enjoy an endless stream of maths games. All activities are automatically differentiated and are progressive.

In RE we have started our unit on Prayers, Saints and Feasts by looking at the story of Mary and Martha, thinking about the message that Jesus gave. Being October and a month of Mary, we also have studied the Magnificat and found out some very interesting things about the Mother of God.

As it gets colder, please remember to pack a pair of tracksuit bottoms and hooded top in your child’s PE kit and ensure that they always have their kit in school on a Wednesday and a Friday, if not at all times. Thank you.

Team 4 🙂

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