This week in Maths lessons we’ve been looking at: making confident estimates to problems through rounding, numbers below zero and consolidating our place value knowledge through open-ended activities.
In Literacy, we have been looking closely at using inverted commas to identify directed speech within a text. The children have begun writing their own direct speech for characters from The Iron Man text, ready to include in their newspaper articles.
A huge ‘thank you’ to the children for bringing in some amazing pieces of homework, ranging from created robots too powerpoints and posters!
For homework the children have these spellings to practice (remember to develop a clear understanding of what they mean – you could do this by using them correctly in a sentence):
Mane, main, peace, piece, fare, fair.
As the weather is starting to get colder, please can children remember to bring in their jumpers and coats.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 4 Team!