It’s July already!

As we enter the last few weeks of the school Year, Year 4 have been having lots of fun. We had a very successful sports day last week and it was lovely to see all of the children participating and cheering their teams – well done!

In literacy, we have been reading the text ‘Beowulf’ by Michael Morpurgo. The children have written some emotive diary entries in role as King Hrothgar – here is an extract by Nicolas (4HA):

Heartbroken. It’s the only word I can use to describe this terrible day. I sit here writing to you Diary as my hand shakes with fear and tears drip down in terror. The hellish monster has destroyed everything, even my strong warriors. I thought we would be safe but I failed. What am I going to do?’

Ask your children what the desperate King did next!

In maths we continue to do daily arithmetic with a focus on choosing the correct method to use to solve a calculation. We have also been working out the perimeter of shapes and using our knowledge of converting fractions and decimals to help.

There are lotsĀ of exciting things happening in the next couple of weeks including the Year 4 camping tripĀ  which we’re all looking forward to!



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