This week
This week in year 4 we have been up to lots of interesting and exciting things!
In maths we have been looking at expanded subtraction, a way of partitioning numbers to take away. As the week has gone on, we’ve progressed to looking at tricky Disney themed word problems which require us to subtract, and some have even looked at subtraction to do with measurement.
In English we have had great fun playing at being commentators. We looked at the way that football commentators describe everything that is going on on the pitch and then applied that to the final battle between Captain Hook and Peter Pan in the Disney film. The work we produced was very impressive!
In RE this week have been looking at light as a symbol for Jesus, and all the ways that light inspires us and has a positive effect on our lives. We wrote some beautiful poems.
Team 4 have loved seeing all the creative topic-based home learning that has been coming in – keep up the good work and remember, have a restful and enjoyable weekend!
Welcome back Year 4
Welcome back to all the children. This week was our first full week of learning and we have been impressed with how the children have settled back into the routine and learning. In the first week back, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Hobby, who spoke to us about the functions of the teeth as well as the importance of looking after our teeth.
Maths: This week, we have been looking at multiplication strategies. We began the week looking at mental methods for multiplying and dividing using our times tables. We also looked at how we can use a known fact such as 3 x 4 = 12 to find new facts such as 30 x 4 = 120. We have since moved onto using efficient written methods for multiplication.
Literacy: In Literacy, we have started to look at our text driver for this unit, Peter Pan. We been writing an explanation text to help someone to learn to fly. Could you write an explanation text this week for home learning?
Spelling: Our spelling focus has been the ‘gu’ sound. Could you find some of your own words beginning with ‘gu’ to learn this week?
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week!
Team Year 4