Monthly Archives: April, 2016

Super Saxon stories and subtraction (with some addition)!


We hope that you have had a fantastic week. We have been working really hard on our use of addition and subtraction. The children have been adding and subtracting  numbers up to four digits, in order to solve Saxon problems.

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning a range of skills in order to write their own Saxon stories. Perhaps they could impress you with their knowledge of fronted adverbial phrases!

We are as always impressed with the quality of home learning. Please continue to support your children in their projects.

Thank you

Year 4 Team


A good TIME!


This week in year 4 we have been learning lots about time. We have learnt to convert from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds and vice versa. To keep up the good work, encourage children to tell the time at home.

We have also continued to learn about King Alfred in our topic lessons and in Literacy. The home learning we have been receiving about King Alfred has been outstanding and very creative. We have both really enjoyed the chance to look at the children’s home learning over the past couple of weeks.

Next week, we will be looking at the correct use of speech punctuation in Literacy and formal columnar methods of addition and subtraction in maths. We look forward to it!


Thank you,


Year 4 team

Welcome back!


First of all, apologies for there being no blog posts before the end of last term. Technical issues meant that we were not able to log on to the school site, however this has now been resolved and regular service resumes!

This week has been very busy and we have dived straight back into lots of learning. In our Literacy we have started to look at Poetry, the children have enjoyed the challenge of writing their own poems and the creativity involved in doing this.

Our maths has also involved a great deal of creativity as the children have been looking at the properties of shape and translation. Next week we are moving on to converting time (e.g. hours to minutes) and solving problems using this.

You will also be pleased to hear that we have started learning a new instrument; this means that we can announce that our concert will feature violins and cellos!


Thank you,


Year 4 Team