Well in our second week we quickly got into the swing of being in year 4 and we have been really impressed with the effort that all of the children have put in. On Friday we really enjoyed the chance to see the children’s home learning and have been really impressed with the quality of what the children have already produced! From stories to pictures to poems there was so much to see and to show to others!
In Literacy we have been creating information texts based on our class animals. Children have really enjoyed researching and pulling together information from others in the class. We have learnt about the structure and tone of information texts.
In Numeracy we have been looking at decimal numbers and have used different ways of showing that these numbers are worth less than one. The children put in lots of effort and have shown that they are keen to understand how to use decimal numbers!
We hope in the third week that the children will continue to enjoy their learning and come in with the same positive attitude!
Thank you,
Year 4 Team