Monthly Archives: September, 2015

Marwell Zoo Trip and home learning

Despite, the weather, everyone had a fabulous time on Monday at Marwell Zoo. The children were fascinated to observe some beautiful or unusual (or both) animals from all corners of the world.

Keep posted for an full update, along with some pictures from the day, next week.

Ideas for home learning

Week beginning 21.9.15

English: This week, we have been writing persuasive adverts for Marwell Zoo using a range of features such as rhetorical questions, exaggeration and emotive language. Create an advert of your own for anything you choose using the features we have discussed this week.

Maths: This week, we have been working on using inverse operations to solve missing number calculations e.g. 41 + __ = 74. We have also practised a range of strategies when adding and subtracting mentally. These were: nearly numbers, using number facts, partitioning and near doubles.

RE: This week, we have looked at the story of Abraham (Genesis 22: 1-19) and thought about how Abrahams’ beliefs affected the decisions he made in the story as well as how he felt at different parts. We began writing diary entries to show how his thoughts, feelings and beliefs changed throughout the story. Choose another story from the bible and write a recount which shows how a character’s beliefs change throughout.

Context: Our trip to Marwell provided the basis for this week’s context learning. We have begun to think about conservation and its importance in the survival of different animals. Children could choose an animal and create a poster listing the threats to its survival (habitat, hunting, farming etc).

Marvellous Marwell


We hope everyone is looking forward to going to Marwell on Monday 21st September. Just a few reminders about what the children need to bring with them:

  • School Uniform
  • Raincoat
  • Packed lunch
  • Waterbottle

If your child usually has a school dinner, a packed lunch can be provided by us. Just let your teacher know. The children do not need to bring any money with them or any cameras as the school will take pictures.

Any questions, just ask your teacher.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team!

A Super Second Week


Well in our second week we quickly got into the swing of being in year 4 and we have been really impressed with the effort that all of the children have put in. On Friday we really enjoyed the chance to see the children’s home learning and have been really impressed with the quality of what the children have already produced! From stories to pictures to poems there was so much to see and to show to others!

In Literacy we have been creating information texts based on our class animals. Children have really enjoyed researching and pulling together information from others in the class. We have learnt about the structure and tone of information texts.

In Numeracy we have been looking at decimal numbers and have used different ways of showing that these numbers are worth less than one. The children put in lots of effort and have shown that they are keen to understand how to use decimal numbers!

We hope in the third week that the children will continue to enjoy their learning and come in with the same positive attitude!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

This Week in Year 4

Well, what a busy three days!

The children new to year four have settled into the routines excellently. They are rising to the higher expectations of year four and showing great potential already.


Today, they were issued with their home learning diaries, adventure books, presentation guidelines and home learning pyramids.

Please find attached the pyramid as well as a copy of the presentation guidelines.

Children were very excited to hear the news about the trip to Marwell zoo on the 21st September. The letter for this is also attached.

We hope the children had an enjoyable first week and we look forward to a busy year. Keep checking the blog each week to find out what the children have been learning and for more news on latest events.

The year 4 team.

Marwell Trip letter Bloom’s

HL – Circle of Life autumn 1

Non-negotiables for literacy

Non-negotiables for MATHS