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Year Three animations

Please click on the link below to view our animations we have created. Over the past few weeks we have been learning how to create still frame animations, using the skill of ‘onion skinning’ to make the characters move. We learnt how to use a tablet and used various apps to create our final piece with writing and music! Please enjoy.


Have a wonderful Easter break!


The Year Three team


Exciting news…

Today we received some trays of sand! We had to dig through the sand to find the clues to reveal our next text driver….



We were so excited to find out it was… Aladdin!


Then we received this…

We can’t wait to get writing!

World book day!

Happy world book day from Year Three!

We loved dressing up, sharing our favourite book characters and reciting some poetry off by heart.



We received a mysterious scroll on our board this morning….

It turns out it was not a friendly letter!

As a year group we have decided to learn some persuasive techniques to prove the Grinch wrong and convince him Christmas is in fact – AMAZING!! Wish us luck….

Year 3 cave descriptions

Thank you so much for coming to Year Threes cave! We loved sharing our cave descriptions with you.

Welcome to Year Three

Well done Hippos and Lions- you have started Year Three extremely well!

We know you have been thoroughly enjoying our first topic of Stone age to Iron age and we have even managed to squeeze in a school trip to Butser Ancient Farm. We had the best day becoming archaeologists digging up bones and flint. We weaved our own fences, created our own pots out of clay and enjoyed a tour of all of the Iron age houses.

More photos to follow!

Celebrating the Jubilee

What a wonderful day we have had celebrating 70 years of the queen!


Delicious treats from the kitchen 



pin the tail on the corgi 


a variety of Jubilee themed activities 





Preparing for the jubilee

Scan the QR codes to get a special message from our Year 3 pupils.


Team Three

Gilbert White Study Centre

Welcome back

This week we have been delighted with the way the children have returned to school. We have been enjoying catching up on all of their adventures from their Easter time break.

In Maths this week we have been busy solving problems with money. We have been converting money from pennies to pounds and pennies and finding many solutions to problems such as if I had 3 coins in my pocket how much money could I have? What is the most I could have? What if they were all different coins?  The children have really enjoyed this learning journey.

In English we have been reading the book ‘the river’. We have explored new language that could be used to describe a river like plunged, turbulent and many more. Our focus has been on prepositions – amongst, between, within etc.

We finished our Science topic on Rocks by learning all about Fossils and how they are formed. We are lucky to have a fossil collector amongst the team who was happy to share some of the many fossils she has collected in shops but also from hunts along the beaches such as on the Isle of Wight. The highlight was getting to touch a fossil of a dinosaur foot!!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Team Three