Easter Holidays


We hope that you are all enjoying the Easter break so far. Here is an update on what the children have been up to during the final week of Spring Term.

In English, the children have completed their learning on direct speech and possessive apostrophes. At the start of the week, the children studied an extract from Peter Pan in order to analyse the distribution of dialogue and 5W (narrative) detail across the scene that described Captain Hook’s pirate ship. Both classes then applied their learning of the grammatical rules for speech punctuation and singular / plural possession, to create a narrative extract of their own that detailed events and conversations between the characters within their Roman slave diary. The children showed excellent commitment and critical thinking skills when drafting and editing their work. Well done Year Three! After half term, we look forward to completing our Roman Slave diaries before publishing and evaluating them.

In Maths, we have been continuing our learning on Money in the context of addition and subtraction problems. In particular, the children have applied their knowledge of coin values by ‘regrouping’ smaller coins to find alternative combinations of coins that involve larger values – this efficient strategy has enabled Year Three to add and subtract amounts that are recorded in pounds and pence, mentally. As the week progressed, the children explored a variety of problems and used multiple representations (number lines, place value grids, Numicon, coin drawings) to show their understanding of them. For example: Mr Crozier has spent less than £5 on 2 items at the CAFOD shop. He pays with 5 coins. Which two items could he have bought? By the end of the week, the children were taught how to use the inverse to ‘count up’ the difference between two separate amounts of money. We focused on reaching the ‘nearest 10p’ before moving on towards the nearest £1.

As part of Holy Week, Year Three were invited to Oaklands chapel in order to take part in Collective Worship and reflect upon the Stations of the Cross. The children demonstrated exceptional behaviour and were very respectful when they took part in a Q&A session with the school chaplain. In class, we studied the Last Supper and compared its similarities and differences to the words and actions of the Eucharistic Rite that forms part of Mass today.

We hope you all have a peaceful and relaxing Easter and look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 23rd April 2019.

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

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