Geography deep learning day


We hope that you are all making the most of the beautiful sunshine this weekend!

This week, we have been learning how to punctuate speech correctly through the use of inverted commas. After some interactive activities, the children had a go at using their speech punctuation bookmarks in order to punctuate the speech within the conversation they had produced on speech bubbles towards the end of last week. We were very impressed by the children’s use of green biros to self assess and edit the work they had produced, checking their work against the speech punctuation rules using the rhyme we had learned in class. Well done Year Three! As the week progressed, we then moved on to learning about the use of apostrophes for singular (e.g. the slave’s locket) and plural (the pirates’ swords) possession. Both classes then had the opportunity to practise this skill through colour coding and pictorial tasks, which then enabled the children to produce their own sentences (that indicated what each character owned) for their Roman slave diaries. Next week, we look forward to drafting, editing and publishing our topic work.

In Maths, we have started to learn about money and coin values. At the beginning of the week, the children were given a variety of tasks which they solved through an investigation. The children particularly enjoyed using the wide selection of coins on their tables in order to create combinations of different amounts of money. We then moved on to learn about conversion, opening up an ‘alien shop’ in which the children were required to exchange between pounds and pence before purchasing an item. Afterwards, we then began to explore the concept of exchanging multiple coins for a coin that is the sum of its value (e.g. exchanging two 5p coins for a 10p coin). Next week, we look forward to adding and subtracting pounds and pence, using a variety of strategies including number lines and formal written methods.

On Friday, the children had a fantastic time for Geography deep learning day. As part of our topic learning, we studied the development of the Roman Empire and in particular looked at the human and physical Geography of Italy. Year Three explored a range of carousel activities involving map skills before creating their own sets of top trump cards to compare the human and physical features of the United Kingdom and Italy.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday for our CAFOD ‘Wear it wacky’ non-uniform day. Please bring a donation of £1 and wear your brightest, most colourful clothes!

With best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba

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