World Book Day


We hope that you have all been enjoying the weekend so far.

This week, the children took part in World Book day. All of the children dressed up as their favourite story book characters and we were amazed by the effort and care that had been taken by children and parents to make the costumes. Well done Year Three!

In English, we have been working collaboratively to create a Rainforest poem through shared writing. Using ‘explain, change, create’, each class was able to identify the poetic features from a poem before making adjustments to it and finally recreating their very own verses. The children had a strong selection of similes, alliteration, expanded noun phrases and verbs within their sentences, which helped to make their poems very entertaining to the reader! At the end of the week, both classes also attended the St. Peter’s poetry competition – we would like to congratulate the Y3 participants who each gave an excellent performance of their chosen poem.

In Maths, we have continued our learning on measure. In particular, we have focused upon the skill of reading scales and understanding how a scale is made of equal intervals. Through the context of grams (g) and kilograms (kg), Year Three have been able to read a set of scales and record the weights of different items. We were impressed by the commitment that had been demonstrated by the children, especially across a set of tricky reasoning problems whereby the children had to express their opinion and prove their answers were correct by using mathematical facts. Next week, we look forward to introducing the children to missing number problems in order to balance items that are weighed on a set of traditional scales.

We look forward to seeing you all next week,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba

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