Guide Dogs Fundraiser


We hope that you all had a good week last week and that you are enjoying the weekend so far.

On Friday this week, the Year 4 children of St. Peter’s Catholic School organised a whole school fundraiser day for guide dogs of the blind. Each child gave a 50p donation to the charity and wore a bright head piece or decoration on their heads. Well done to all of the Year 4 children who gave an excellent presentation about guide dogs for the blind during a whole school assembly, at the beginning of the day.

This week, Year Three have started their new topic on The Romans. Already, we have seen some excellent home learning projects which have clearly reflected the creativity and imagination of the children – for example, some children have created Roman shields and drawings and brought them into school for show and tell, to share their learning with their peers. We look forward to seeing more of these fabulous projects next week. In English, we have started to learn about Roman diaries and have been reading the text, Illiona of Mytillini: Diary of a Greek slave who was captured and sold in Rome. The children have been able to discuss the emotions of different characters and use picture clues and descriptions from the book to support their inferences about how each person would have felt. Next week, we look forward to continuing our learning on fronted adverbials and how sentences openers can add extra detail about where, when, or how much something happens within a sentence.

In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about measure in the context of weight (g and Kg). In particular, the children were given a series of scales problems whereby a set of traditional scales were balanced and the children had to use information about the weight of one item to calculate what the weights of two others sets of items must have been. As the week progressed, Year Three were also given open-ended problems to solve (how many combinations of objects can you weigh to reach a total weight of X grams, etc). We were impressed by the children’s use of collaboration when working together to reason and explain their opinions when problem solving throughout these challenges. Well done Year Three! Next week, we look forward to learning about the addition and subtraction of measurements, in more depth.

Just a quick reminder to let you all know that the Reading Passport challenge for Spring term is almost complete! All passports shall be collected on Wednesday 20th March 2019, ready for the class raffle draws on Friday 22nd March 2019. Good luck everyone!

We wish you all a relaxing and peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

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