Home Learning for next week

Below is all of the learning we would like to be completed next week. As well as all of this, be creative, go outside in the garden and be active, but most importantly stay safe and enjoy spending quality time with your family. 

We miss you already Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions. 

Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike and Mrs Atkins. 


Reading comprehension
Please see below the non- fiction report on the Romans. Answer the questions at the bottom of the sheet. Challenge- can you think of your own questions to ask about the text?
In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.

The Romans Middle Ability QAs

Writing activity
Below is a link to a picture of the mad hatter. As we have been creating character descriptions about Boudicca this week please can you apply those skills to write a character description about the Mad Hatter. Remember to include- fronted adverbials, similes and descriptive language. http://www.pobble365.com/the-mad-hatter

This week your spelling is to spell the phoneme ‘k’ spelt with a ‘ch’. For example-
anchor, ache, choir, echo, school. Can you think of any others? Pick strategies from your strategy sheet.
Extra -To consolidate our learning on homophones, have a play on the following website…
The Homophone Machine gets kids excited about homophones.
See how many homophones you can include in a sentence or paragraph.

Below is a link to a fun addition game. Think systematically to be effective. If you are finding this tricky- change the numbers to 1-6 and try and reach 50. If you would like a challenge add two extra boxes and try and reach 1000!
Now can you create your own addition game.
Remember that sumdog and times tables rockstars have also been updated with activities.

Our next science topic is growing. See below for a link to start a discussion about what plants need to grow. If you are able to, this would be a great opportunity to get some seeds and start growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z9f87hv

Following on from our school trip last week, please see the following link for some art and history fun linked to The Romans.

6 Responses

  1. Hi, this is Izzy. I don’t understand if you have to write it down and then give it in since I was not here on Tuesday to Friday.
    From Izzy

    1. Hello Izzy,
      You can record it on paper or on a computer but you do not need to hand it in, keep it at home with yourself.

      Thank you 🙂

  2. Caroline Swandell | Reply

    Good Evening,

    Please could you re-send logins for Edie Swandell for timetable rockstars , I have looked through her book but cannot find it.

    1. Hello,

      Edie’s log in-

      username- ediswa
      password- qcm


  3. Jamie-Marie Heathcote | Reply

    Hello Mrs Shaw
    Please could you re-send login details for Jasmine Heathcote too, for timetable rockstars.
    Kind regards xXx

    1. They’ll be emailed to you shortly 🙂
      Thank you for your patience and support.

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