Home Learning Due 15th january

Year 6 Homework Project – Stormbreaker

LO—To design and make a gadget for a spy

The Brief:

During a top secret mission, Alex Rider has lost all of his essential gadgets!  He needs a new gadget that will assist him in his job as a spy.

In class we have evaluated different gadgets and discussed important features.  We have also designed the gadget and thought about features, materials and how we will join them together.

Your homework is to make your gadget and be ready to persuade Alex that your gadget will suit his needs in a Dragon’s Den style event!

Your homework is due in on FRIDAY 15th JANUARY.

Any questions, please see your class teacher.

Home Learning due in 11th December

Thank you to everyone for your hard work with home learning!

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Bloom’s Triangle Frightening Fiction – excellent so far thank you! Please carry on and choose 2 more activities to complete.

Home Learning due in Friday 4th December

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Bloom’s Triangle Frightening Fiction – start from the bottom and choose 2 activities to complete

Home Learning due in THURSDAY 26th November

Essential home learning for this week:

Home learning will be due in on Thursday next week as we have an exciting trip on Friday morning!

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Maths – 4 operation madness– Please create an A4 size vocabulary and method page – more detailed than a poster please – use what you have learnt already for multiplication, division, addition and subtraction and add to it during the week as we learn about using them in word problems. You could add questions for other children to answer as well as examples of all the methods we use in year 6. I am sure Mrs Bowen would love to see them! Think about our working wall to help you – BIDMAS might also be handy!

4 operation example

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Division

Home Learning due in 20th November

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Our Year 6 Mass is approaching, can you research and create a poster or explanation leaflet on the order of Mass – Please ensure key vocabulary is used.

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Division


Home Learning due in Friday 13th November

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Read Mrs McD’s story starter….how might it carry on? Can you finish the story? – Please use the sheet provided for ideas and stick it into your green homework book.

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Multiplication

R.E. – The Bishop Phillip is visiting!! What can you find out about his visit to Hampshire?

Home Learning due in Friday 6th November

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Write a diary over half term – Please think about how you will present your diary. Could it be a booklet? Will there be pictures as well as writing? Will you do it day by day or will it be a longer entry at the end of the week? How will you structure your writing? How will you make it exciting for the reader?

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Multiplication

R.E. – Mary – what do you already know about Mary? What would you like to learn? What could you find out?

Topic – Child vs Wild – use Bloom’s triangle of home learning

Home Learning due in Thursday 22nd October

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Write a thank you letter to Mr Scarborough from Stubbington – To write a creative, thoughtful and well-structured letter to thank Mr Scarborough for a fantastic week of learning, adventure and fun in Stubbington!

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Multiplication

R.E. – Heaven, what would it look like? How would you describe it?

Topic – Child vs Wild – use Bloom’s triangle of home learning

Hi from Stubbington!!!

Hello blog readers!

Year 6 are having an amazing time here in Stubbington!

We have been extremely busy enjoying our huge range of daily activities and challenges, we thought we had better pause to update you on all the experiences we have had so far (and dry off)….

Monday was a pretty wet and muddy day, however, we all had the right wet weather gear so that did not stop us being outside for most of the day.

After the Stubbington induction and tour, the Penguins carried out a pond dipping activity, where they collected all sorts of pond life to take back to the classroom to study, sort and write about. Meanwhile, the Seals learnt about the different ways birds have adapted to environments and built shelters from natural materials found within the Stubbington grounds. The children entered their shelters, which were then tested against wind, predators, sunlight and lastly, a rainstorm (big bucket of water). We then all dried off and enjoyed one of our fabulous evening meals.

Yesterday was an even wetter day. The Seals dressed up as Celts and painted their faces to get in role, while making pottery, jewellery and recreating life as a Celt. The Penguins had the ever popular ‘Earthquake’ activity and got wet through with the persistent rain. The children collaborate together helping to carry pieces of important lifesaving equipment around an obstacle course making sure they don’t fall in the ‘lava’ surrounding them. I will let the children explain more on their arrival home – plus the Seals will be carrying out this activity today the so I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

While I am typing this, the Seals are getting set up for earthquake while the Penguins are studying birds and carrying out their shelter building. Tomorrow we will all be making mammal hotels and placing them around the grounds to try to entice wildlife to stay overnight ready for us to study on Friday.

Everyone is eating incredibly well, the choice of food is amazing, from breakfast, lunch time, dinner, right through to supper after our evening classroom study time.

Tonight we are looking forward to ‘Stubbington scramble’ and much more fun and excitement for the remaining days.

The children have all settled well and slept soundly after very energetic outdoor activities and evening entertainment. By the end of the day, we are all worn out, ready for a shower and bed, eager to wake up refreshed for the next days learning and fun!

We know the children will have lots to share when they return home and we will update you all on the blog with pictures at a later date.

The children all say hello and want you all to know how much they are enjoying themselves.

We will update you with photos when we can and will see you soon!

From Year 6!

Homelearning due in 16th October

This week’s home learning, due in Friday 16th October.

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Create a bird – To create a beautiful piece of artwork based on a bird. This could be a drawing, clay model, paper bird etc

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Sequences

Literacy – Persuasive writing: conjunctions and subordinate clauses

R.E. – Cain and Abel: Their story

Topic – Child vs Wild: Nocturnal animals