Dear Parents,

We have had a productive week, completing our Just So stories ready to share on Monday, working very hard to develop our understanding of fractions and learning about Mary Anning.

Next week is set to be a busy one. On Tuesday the NSPCC will be delivering  assemblies to KS1 and KS2, and Year 6 will be taking part in a workshop in the afternoon. Friday, of course, is 6Cs day.

A reminder that Drink Drive posters should be in school by Wednesday. They are being collected on Thursday and we need time to make sure they are correctly labelled.

We are very pleased with the work happening at home to support spelling. Spelling test results reflect this. Please continue to encourage your children to read daily and make sure they are reading a range of books, including non-fiction. There are lots of fun diary-type or graphic novels out there, but they need variety and challenge too to improve their vocabulary and inference skills. This message is being communicated through our Guided Reading sessions.

On Monday, we will be looking at inheritance as part of our science unit on adaptation and evolution. It would be lovely if we could have some family photographs so we can spot similarities through the generations. You might prefer to send photocopies rather than original photos which are precious to you. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, we just need a small sample.

Have a lovely weekend,

The year 6 team.

Friday 7th October 2016

Dear Parents,

We have been working hard this week, studying Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. The children have been using their creativity skills to plan their own Just So ‘Giraffe’ story, which we are looking forward to writing next week.

We have spent some time investigating fractions this week. The year 6 teachers are getting very excited about continuing fraction work next week, however we have received a mixed reaction from the children – some smiles, some groans!! If you feel like doing a fraction related investigation of your own this weekend, this could make your child feel more confident for next week.  Thank you.

At the beginning of the week, we had a visit from local PCSOs who delivered a session about Drink Driving and invited children to design a poster for a local community competition to discourage drink driving as we go towards Christmas. Children have brought their poster home this week to complete as part of their homework tasks.

Maths activities are available for your child.

As part of our CAFOD fundraising event today, the children enjoyed the challenge of designing, planning and resourcing their team’s activity. A good time was had by all and were very proud to have contributed to the total raised.

Have a great weekend (especially if it includes fractions 🙂

The Year 6 Team


Friday, 30th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

The end of another busy week. We have enjoyed looking back on our week at Stubbington and the children have written some very entertaining diary entries about their favourite experiences. We have some interesting Science lessons coming up, based on our field work there.

Next week is a big week for CAFOD fundraising. Year 6 will be working on three fundraising events – either a penalty shoot-out, a drawing competition or a cup and ball aiming competition. Your child will tell you which one he/she has signed up for. Donations of wrapped sweets for the cup and ball will be gratefully received. On Thursday we have Wear it Bright day and look forward to a rainbow coloured class.

We enjoyed looking at each other’s Home Learning Adventure books today. Please continue to encourage your children to work in them and to bring them to school each week. Home Learning diaries should be in class every day. There are now some Abacus activities posted for homework and we will try to add My Maths next week. New spellings will be sent home in diaries on Monday.

As always, please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.

The Year Six team.

Stubbington 2016

Hello from Stubbington, St Peters! All of year 6 are having an amazing, exciting time. We have got an activity called Earthquake. We were lucky enough to go into the woods to look for badgers, foxes and their habitats. We have had many encounters with the different wildlife.

We are also pond dipping, building shelters and experiencing seaside studies.

Reuben Ash, 6S


We hope you have enjoyed our little taster album of the trip so far. More updates to follow.

Year 6 Team


Welcome to year 6!

Dear Parents,

It was lovely to see so many of you at our Welcome Meeting on Tuesday. Due to administration restrictions, we are unable to upload our introductory PowerPoint, but will summarise the main points.

P.E. lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Shorts are required for the Tuesday lesson. No-one will be able to borrow P.E. kit so please make sure that your child’s kit is always in school, kept in a draw string bag on their coat peg.

Home Learning diaries should be updated and in school every day. They will be checked regularly.

Children should make sure they have a library book for home reading. We have a class library session every Friday as well as opportunities to change books after school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 3.15 – 3.45. Children should always have a book available to read in school.

Pencil cases are not necessary as we have all the supplies children need, but if they wish to have their own coloured pencils or other items they will be able to use them in some lessons, with permission. At all other times the pencil cases should be kept in their tray. Children will be responsible for their own property.

All children should have a named water bottle.

Home Learning will consist of a weekly Maths task, daily reading, weekly spellings. Children also have a new learning pyramid each half term. (See below). Home Learning will be reviewed every Friday so books should be in by Thursday. Due to our upcoming Stubbington trip, Maths homework will be set on Friday 16th but will not be due until Thursday 29th September. KS2 spelling lists will be sent home this week, but the weekly spellings will be set on Monday 26th, pasted into their Home Learning diary.


We are all getting excited about Stubbington next week. Children will be told their room allocation on Friday and should have at least one of their chosen friends with them. We know that all the children will embrace the opportunity to mix with the whole year group and to get on with all of their room mates.

If there is anything else you need to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Miss Stapley, Mrs Turner, Mrs Fleming, Mrs Pfeiffer.

Year 6 Weekly Blog!


This week we have been rehearsing even more for our Lion King. While the cast have been busy at that, people not with a speaking part have been making and painting elephant tusks (pieces of cardboard for the elephant graveyard scene) and cardboard leaves. People have also been making and painting the backdrop for the battle scene where Simba battles Scar to become King.


We have also had Mayan day where we did activities about food, clothing & fashion, stories, pyramids/temples and even face paints (that is why on Thursday your child came home with weird marks on their faces).


In English we have been writing monologues about how Mufasa would’ve felt during the presentation of Simba.


In Maths we have been working out our finances for the Lion King performances, looking at profit margins for snacks we could sell at the interval and how much profit we could make to give to charity once we have paid back our outgoings for all of our props and necessary equipment for the show.


By Sam Kift



Hello lovely parents and pupils of year 6!

We are sooo excited for our production of ‘The Lion King Junior’ on Monday 18th July at 1.30pm and 6.00pm.


Tickets will be up for grabs soon via the school office. They will be free but you will need to collect them as we will need to keep a tally of how many we have sold. Space in the evening will not be an issue as the venue can hold 700. However, during the day, we will be limited to 300 tickets for parents.

There is no charge for tickets but we would ask for a donation at the end of the show. Any funds raised will help to cover the costs of hiring the venue, costumes, performance rights etc. Any extra we make, we will be donating to a charity of the children’s choice (to be decided in the coming weeks).


We will be providing materials for masks, extra detail on costumes e.g. felt and other materials

All that we ask is if you could supply your children with a suitable ‘base colour’ for their part – long sleeved (if possible) t-shirt and leggings/trousers/joggers.


Giraffe – yellow

Hyena – grey or black

Elephant – grey

Lion – yellow/light brown


Any questions, please send in with your children. Can all costumes please come in NAMED plastic bags which the children can hang on their pegs.

We thank you in advance for all of your help and support with costumes and fund raising. It is looking fab – we suggest you all bring tissues for the performance!!

Thank you again,

The Year 6 team


Mayan Science Morning at Oakland’s Catholic School

Mayan 1 Mayan 3 Mayan 4 Mayan 5

Home Learning/SATs week


Please don’t worry too much about SATs next week. Revise and revisit over the weekend if you feel unsure about anything.

Just a few reminders:

Home learning – any revision helpful to each test

Monday 9th May – Reading

Tuesday 10th May – Spelling and grammar

Wednesday 11th May – Maths arithmetic and reasoning paper 1

Thursday 12th May – Maths reasoning paper 2


Breakfast at 8am-8.30am (free and to be eaten in year 6)


We also have Lion King Jr auditions Monday afternoon for any budding actors! –

  • song
  • acting
  • can be in groups/pairs
  • doesn’t have to be a song from the show (just needs to show your vocal range)
  • you can have the script in front of you
  • be brave
  • you will be fabulous!


Good Luck and remember:faith

Home Learning due in Friday 22nd April

Spelling with beautiful handwriting – Please practise spelling the words from the list you were given.

MyMaths/SATs revision – If you have any problems with using MyMaths; please get your parents to write a note explaining the difficulty and we can make sure you get opportunity to complete in school.

Timestables – Practise using the times tables sheets after your times tables test today. Which do you need to improve or get faster at?

Mayans – Research the Mayans – what could you create?