Welcome back to the start of Year 6!


It’s been a great start to the new term.

The children have settled well into their new routines and have shown great positivity towards their learning.

In English, we have been immersing ourselves in descriptive narrative through fiction texts which centre on enigmatic nature of whales. The children have been spellbound listening to ‘Whale Boy’ by Nicola Davies and linking this text to the picture book ‘The Whale’ by Vita Murrow to start to create atmospheric descriptions of an encounter with a whale.

In Maths, we begin the term with place value and looking at the value of individual digits in numbers as well as writing these numbers in words. We have also been applying these number skills to problems to show how the children can use their knowledge of number to demonstrate their reasoning skills.

In RE, through scripture and the school mission statement, we have considered how Jesus’s teachings teaches us to live our lives as Christians. We will begin our Creation unit next week.

Children have been given their Home Learning diary this week. Could they please read the first few pages and last few pages to orientate themselves with the diary and complete any activities that are relevant to home learning.  Please record daily reading, maths activities and any other learning that takes place in the weekly diary and this will be reviewed and signed next week.

Daily Reminders  – individual water bottles to be brought in, homework diaries, break time snacks and a waterproof coat.

Walking home permission letters should be sent in to the class teacher to re-affirm your permission that your child is allowed to leave the school premises alone. This is so we are in agreement, for this new school year, regarding the arrangements for the end of the day.

If you would like to say hello or there is anything you would like to ask about this new year, please speak any member of the year 6 team and will be happy to help.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 6 Team


Goodbye Year 6

It’s that time of year when we say goodbye and good luck to the year 6 children who are moving on to the next stage of their education. The last two days saw the children go out on a high after two fantastic performances of High School Musical. It has been lovely to see the year group rise to this challenge in such a short time and to see such creative sides to the children’s personalities.

A few tears were shed on Tuesday at the Leaver’s Assembly as emotions of the last day rose to the surface. A fitting tribute to all children and staff that move on to new adventures elsewhere. Year 6 enjoyed a day of shirt and book signings around the school as well as a lunch party on the field before the final goodbyes to end the day with more tears. It was a testiment to their time at St Peter’s and the friendships made over the last seven years.

All the Year 6 team wish the chidren all the very best for Year 7 and to everyone, a fabulous, relaxing summer holiday.



Friday, 14th July

This week has been devoted to our production practice. We experienced the stage at Oaklands for the first time on Monday and again on Tuesday. Next Monday we will be there again, learning about the lights and sound. Our technical support team has been very busy preparing props while other rehearsals are taking place. As requested last week, please continue to help your children learn their lines and cues. We are now ‘off book’ so no-one has a script available to them any more. We had our first undirected run-through yesterday and it’s going well. We hope you have booked your tickets!

Could you please make sure children have their costumes at school on Thursday. We are going to make this our official dress rehearsal. If you have any problems acquiring costumes, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.

We raised a further £42 from a raffle this week and fund-raising continues. We have more sponsorship available if your child would like to undertake a personal challenge.

Everyone is looking forward to treat day next week – a morning on the field with a bouncy castle, lunch provided by the Friends and an afternoon disco. Another busy, busy week.

Have a great weekend,

The Year Six team.

Friday 7th July 2017

Dear all,

Another busy week with Production practise and it is progressing well. It is a huge project but it is coming together so please encourage your child to practise the songs especially ‘Counting on You’. These songs are available online.  Hopefully, you have received the costume letter but if you haven’t please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.

Our ‘Fun Afternoon’ was very successful and lots of fun was had by all year groups especially by those children who paid to throw sponges at some year 6 children. We will continue to raise more money with ‘Guess how many Sweets in the Jar’ over the next week. If you have any sweets you would like to contribute to the jar then please send them in with your child.  A very kind member of the office team has offer to count the money so far raised so a final total will be available next week.  We have sent sponsorship forms home for the children to undertake any personal challenges if they so wish. Thank you as always for your support.

Transistion morning today saw the Year 6’s completing their science work on classification and taking samples of leaves from the field, making scientific drawings of them and beginning to classify according to Linnaeus’s biological classification system. They will continue this on Monday afternoon when the school has an internal transition afternoon.

Next week’s key events:

Tuesday 11th July –  1.30pm Leavers Mass & Cream Tea

Thursday 13th July –  Year 6 Reports and SATs results sent home

Friday 14th July – Year 6 Oaklands Transition Day (any children not attending Oaklands will be undertaking an activity in school)

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team


30th June

We hope you are enjoying your rare three-day weekend. A good opportunity for a rest before the final push – still lots of work to do.

The children had an excellent morning on Sports day. It was lovely to see them being so supportive of the younger members of their team, and they worked hard to help with the clearing up afterwards, too. I hope it will be one of the good memories they take with them when they leave St. Peter’s.

In R.E. we have been learning more about St. Peter, and sixteen children from 6S and 6T performed a short play about his martyrdom during Mass on Thursday. On the subject of drama, our Streetspeare participants will be performing at Butser on Saturday at 11 a.m. Fingers crossed for good weather, and do go and support them if you can.

In Science we have continued our unit on classification, and enjoyed making a key using a variety of sweets yesterday. As far as I’m aware, only one sweet was eaten, which showed admirable restraint. We’ll be testing the system using leaves in our next Science activity.

The week ended with a very successful cake sale. Thank you for once again providing such a wonderful and generous selection of delicious and beautiful cakes. We sold most of them yesterday, and the remainder have been bought today by staff attending INSET. Sadly, I couldn’t sample them all, but to whoever made the lemon drizzle cake – it was perfect. The money will be counted next week.

Another fundraiser on Tuesday afternoon, this time a games hour. I am sure your children will be asking for your help with resources and building.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year Six team.

Friday 16th June 2017

Dear all,

This week in English saw the children completing their suspense writing, editing and then publishing it. Next week, we are linking RE and English by producing non-chronological reports about Islam. The children also chose a novel to read for their book study – texts include: Holes by Louis Sachar, Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman, A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E by Malorie Blackman and Arthur, High King of Britain by Michael Morpurgo.  Over the next few weeks, the children will undertake an independent study, completing different activities chosen by them, to make a presentation of the book in front of an audience. Our initial lesson saw the children engrossed in their chosen book and forming little ‘Book Club’ groups to discuss their reading as they read. It was so wonderful to see the children so enthusiastic for new literature and working collaboratively to share their thoughts and views so maturely.

Maths this week has focused on problem solving with ratio/proportion and its relationship with fractions and percentages. Next week, we will be looking to consolidate and extend our learning in algebra.

RE learning sees then end of Pentecost and the children will have next week to explore Islam. The Year 5/6 Mass is on Tuesday at Sacred Heart at 10.20am and we would welcome any volunteers to walk with the children to the church. It will be a morning event – leaving at 9am and returning for 12.15pm. Please let the office know if you are available.

Mrs Luter will be attending the Good Shepherd Mass at Portsmouth Cathedral on Wednesday 21st June with a selection of Year 6 children.

We seem to have accumulated a large number of lost property items over the last few weeks – jumpers, cardigans, PE kit, and water bottles, which are not named. If you are missing any items, please look in the lost property area.  Also, a large number of lunch boxes are not being collected each day. We do remind the children daily about lunch boxes and water bottles.

As we are heading towards the end of term, over the next two weeks Mrs D will be collecting in all library books borrowed by Year 6 to ensure that any outstanding loans returned and missing books are located before children depart the school.

As this fabulous is set to continue next week, please ensure that a named water bottle is in school and sun cream and hats are provided if you wish your child to be protected against the sun.

Enjoy the weekend.

The Year 6 Team


9th June 2017

This week we have started finalising roles for our production so next week all children should know whether they are a Jock, Brainiac, Thespian, Cheerleader or Skater Dude! We will also give some advice about costumes required, which should be the sort of clothes children already have. We have started on some of the songs, one of which will be presented at tonight’s Fest. Children have a song folder and should learn lyrics and practise songs as part of their homework. The two performances of High School Musical will take place on Monday, 24th July, times to be confirmed.

Our recent English lessons have had a sporting theme, learning to create suspense in writing by looking at Tom Daley and Usain Bolt during their Olympics campaigns. Children will continue to develop this next week and publish their finished pieces.

We have had a whole school focus on British values and Year 6 have discussed the meaning and implications of democracy and the right to vote – very topical. Hopefully, they will watch some appropriate news coverage of the election results and continue to develop their understanding of the voting system.

I’m sure we will see a lot of you at school this evening.

Finally, have a lovely weekend,

The Year 6 team.

Happy Half Term!

Dear all,

Here we are at the end of another half term! It has, as always, been incredibly busy.  The children have worked hard up until, during and after their SATs week, especially in their writing.  We have seen incredible commitment and perseverance from many children to achieve the best of themselves. It is always lovely to see them mature in this way.

This week saw the children complete their twisted fairy tales which will provide for some very exciting reading for the team over the holidays. More reasoning challenges and investigation also continued this week in Maths.

After half-term, we will be beginning Pentecost and Mission  in RE and the prayer bag is being sent home every Thursday to share a worship and to write a prayer for the class worship on the following Tuesday.

Following auditions over the last two weeks, speaking and singing parts have been allocated today and children have brought home scripts to begin to learn over half-term. All children will play a significant part in the production, as the production is an ensemble piece. Children have chosen whether they wish to be an actor/singer, dancer/cheerleeder or basket ball player and some have chosen to take a technical/stage role to support with backstage activities.

If your child does bring a script home, please encourage them to begin to practise their line and songs (accompanying music on Youtube or Vevo) as rehearsals begin in earnest next term.

Term commences Monday 5th June and with this warm weather upon us, ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.

Have a lovely half term.

The Year 6 Team


Friday, 19th May

Dear Parents,

This week has seen a return to a more normal timetable – not a practice test paper in sight! However, lots of writing has been taking place in English as children continue to make noticeable progress with such things as complex sentences, subordinating conjunctions, adverbials and advanced punctuation. This week we retold a ‘twisted’ fairy tale and next week we will be writing one of our own.

In Maths, we have been reasoning and investigating in a variety of contexts. Hopefully, we will soon be applying our skills to calculating the potential profitability of our fundraising activities, designed to cover the costs of our production. The scripts and other resources for High School Musical Jr. arrived today; we have already had initial singing auditions and further auditions will take place next week. We aim to cast the main parts by the end of next week so that those children can start to familiarise themselves with the script and begin to learn lines.

After a very variable week, we were glad to see the sun shine today and give us the opportunity for a bit of extra time outside this afternoon after our photo session. We hope it continues and that you all have a happy and relaxing weekend. One more week of hard work before half term!

With best wishes,

The Year Six team.


And now … relax

… well for the weekend anyway!

SATs are over and the children have been relaxing in front of a film and celebrating with a game of rounders, football and delicious muffins, courtesy of Mrs Grey, and cupcakes, courtesy of Patrick and family. Many thanks for these sweet treats to end a focused and tiring week.

The children did themselves proud with their focus and perserverance while taking their assessments as well as their commitment to revision . A huge thank you to parents for supporting with the revision preparation period before SATs as this support really helped the children to have more of an ‘all-round’ confidence when approaching this week’s assessments.

It’s not all been about tests this week as Year 6 have voted for High School Musical to be their end of year production. We are currently arranging the licence with Disney and the children have been organising themselves with fundraising ideas and audition scripts and songs.  Children who are interested in a speaking part will be auditioning by reading a part of the musical’s script as well as singing part of a song from the production. These audition materials came home with the children today and the songs are available on YouTube/Vevo to provide musical accompaniment. We envisage beginning rehersals on Tuesday next week.

Lessons resume to normal next week and we will be focusing on writing narrative using a well-known fairy tale as inspiration and investigations/reasoning activities will be the focus in Maths. In RE, we will continue to look at the actions and thoughts of Thomas towards Jesus after the resurection through writing a monologue.The weekly prayer bag will resume next week. The prayers written, by the children, to share in our class worships have been beautifully thoughtful and reflective so thank you for your support and encouragement.

Have a wonderful ‘Eurovision’ weekend,

The Year 6 Team