Becoming data analysts…
Words this week contributed by Ava Dawson, 6P.
This week the pupils have been developing their computer literacy skills by using Microsoft Excel to create graphs that represented climate data in different locations in Brazil. They then drew conclusions and answered questions using their knowledge from their work.
Below we have some beautiful examples including a conclusion about analysing the data:
In other news, we are very excited to have launched the Just Giving webpage for the Year 6 charity walk on July 4th. We are extremely grateful for the generous donations already made. Please spread the word – copy of the letter below.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our year 6 Stewardship Project undertaken in the autumn term, Homelessness in the Community, we are seeking to raise a significant amount of money for a local charity called Two Saints that supports homeless people. A member of this charity delivered a presentation to the Year 6 children in the autumn term, and this triggered a desire from the children to raise funds to aid homeless people in their community.
In order to raise money, the children and adults of Year 6, along with other adult school staff, will complete a sponsored walk of approximately 14km (8.5 miles). The walk will start from Queen Elizabeth Country Park, ascending and circumnavigating Butser Hill, before moving back down across the undulating terrain of the South Downs within the boundaries of QE Country Park.
Those of you who know the local area will appreciate that this is not a flat walk; we expect it to be an impressive challenge that the children will be able to accomplish with some determination and grit. The Year 6 staff team recently navigated the route to conduct a pre-activity site visit, and believe that this experience will be both rewarding for the children as well as for the charity through any money raised.
Details of the Sponsored Walk are as follows:
Date: Monday 4th July 2022
Time: Normal School Time
Equipment needed: Sturdy, comfortable trainers/walking shoes.
School PE kit, lightweight waterproof coat, rucksack, sun cream, hat, packed lunch and water bottle.
Charity Donations web page
Many thanks for your support.
The Year 6 Team
Have a great weekend Year 6!
Applying ourselves – literally!
We have had great fun this week dissecting the role of an Intelligence Officer within MI6 through analysing their website and job adverts to identify the qualities required to help keep our country safe and secure. Funnily enough, it seems that it is your everyday Joe who is the employable one!
With this knowledge, the children applied to become spies in another writing outcome from our Stormbreaker unit.
Enjoy these two examples:
Enjoy your weekend.
The Year 6 Team
SATs Week ended on a high note!
To finish off the week, Year 6 children attended a STEM morning at Oaklands where BAE Systems presented a roadshow about magnets and electromagnetism – great fun! A little sneaky peek into secondary school science and future careers.
We are all very proud of the way the children committed themselves to their tasks this week – they should feel proud too.
There are no Golden Keys for Year 6 this week as it is too difficult to nominate any one person – they have all used the gifts God has given them.
Auditions for Oliver! will take place on Tuesday.
Enjoy your weekend.
The Year 6 Team
School elections…
A great end to a solid week of revision came today when the Year 6 children took the opportunity to put themselves forward for the NEW ROLE of HOUSE CAPTAIN.
The children in the photo below gave their speeches to their peers in St Mary Elizabeth and St John Paul II houses. Just like the local elections – votes are being counted! Good luck to all.
Back in the groove…
Welcome back!
Following their two-week break, the Year 6 children fell straight back into their excellent learning behaviours and applied themselves to putting the finishing touches to their English and Maths skills. We have been impressed with the dedication shown, particularly of those children who completed and returned their Easter Maths booklet as well as making the most of the SATsBootcamp website to keep up with their reading and grammar skills. They have well and truly earned a three-day weekend!
The SATs are almost here and the children have all worked extremely hard up to this point.
For homework, we would like ALL children to use the SATsBootcamp website to keep their knowledge and skills in tip-top condition. The children will know specific areas of learning that they would like to feel more confident with – it is these topics that should be the focus for their home learning at this point in time.
Daily practice – little and often – is best.
If you have any of the CGP books, these can also be used to ‘focus-in’ on weaker areas.
Wishing everyone a wonderful bank holiday weekend!
The Year 6 Team
Harnessing the power of the vacuum…
The Year 6 children enjoyed a fantastic STEM day this week, employing all of their scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical skills to design and build a device capable of cleaning their classroom following a party. We are sure you will agree that we have some future ‘Dyson’s’ on our hands!
We wish you all a very Happy Easter! Please encourage your children to complete their Easter Maths booklets, keep visiting SATSBootcamp on and keep pushing through the CGP booklets. They have worked incredibly hard over this term and doing this will keep their knowledge and skills ticking over – two weeks and three weekends is a long time to not be doing anything at this juncture.
Spring cleaning…
For our first STEM day of the year, the children have problem to solve. Please read on…
You have just celebrated a fantastic end of mock-SATs party in your classroom. Unfortunately, confetti was used and the room is a mess. The cleaner is on holiday and has taken all the cleaning equipment. There is no dust pan or brush and cleaning-up looks like it will take a long time. You have found some motors, electrical wires, batteries and paper in the science cupboard. You have also found lots of empty plastic drinks bottles from the party. One of the children suggested using a hairdryer to blow all the confetti away, however this would only result in more mess!
Can you become an electrical engineer to design, make and test a suitable device that will suck up all of the mess and enable you to go home before it gets too late?
Year 6 have been set a homework task to think around how their device could work and what materials, and the size of them, would benefit its effectiveness. We are looking forward to some innovative ideas.
We are proud of the children’s efforts and commitment this week with their final mock SATs. They have made great strides and will continue to do so.
Diary Notes
Passion plays – have you booked your seats?
6P Seals Performance – Weds 6th April
6L Penguins – Friday 8th April
Have a good weekend!
The Year 6 Team
Never too old to have a chapter read to you…
A central part of our week is our library time each Friday afternoon, where the children are read to by Mrs Porter – the school librarian. It is great for the children to hear her intonation, expression and rhythm through a varied range of texts that she selects on their behalf.
Please keep the Reading Passport ticking over – it is great to have some handed in already. The final day for delivery is April 1st.
The children know that they have their final mock-SATs week from Monday to Thursday next week. A restful and recuperative weekend could be in order for them as they have been working hard these past five days.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the weather!
The Year 6 Team
Singing is well and truly back on the menu after a two-year hiatus! This week the children enjoyed their second session with Mrs Richardson, a music specialist from Oaklands, where they practised their part-harmonies. We also finished the week with our first upper-school singing practice for quite some time.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 6 Team