Author Archive: Admin Office

Hi from Stubbington!!!

Hello blog readers!

Year 6 are having an amazing time here in Stubbington!

We have been extremely busy enjoying our huge range of daily activities and challenges, we thought we had better pause to update you on all the experiences we have had so far (and dry off)….

Monday was a pretty wet and muddy day, however, we all had the right wet weather gear so that did not stop us being outside for most of the day.

After the Stubbington induction and tour, the Penguins carried out a pond dipping activity, where they collected all sorts of pond life to take back to the classroom to study, sort and write about. Meanwhile, the Seals learnt about the different ways birds have adapted to environments and built shelters from natural materials found within the Stubbington grounds. The children entered their shelters, which were then tested against wind, predators, sunlight and lastly, a rainstorm (big bucket of water). We then all dried off and enjoyed one of our fabulous evening meals.

Yesterday was an even wetter day. The Seals dressed up as Celts and painted their faces to get in role, while making pottery, jewellery and recreating life as a Celt. The Penguins had the ever popular ‘Earthquake’ activity and got wet through with the persistent rain. The children collaborate together helping to carry pieces of important lifesaving equipment around an obstacle course making sure they don’t fall in the ‘lava’ surrounding them. I will let the children explain more on their arrival home – plus the Seals will be carrying out this activity today the so I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

While I am typing this, the Seals are getting set up for earthquake while the Penguins are studying birds and carrying out their shelter building. Tomorrow we will all be making mammal hotels and placing them around the grounds to try to entice wildlife to stay overnight ready for us to study on Friday.

Everyone is eating incredibly well, the choice of food is amazing, from breakfast, lunch time, dinner, right through to supper after our evening classroom study time.

Tonight we are looking forward to ‘Stubbington scramble’ and much more fun and excitement for the remaining days.

The children have all settled well and slept soundly after very energetic outdoor activities and evening entertainment. By the end of the day, we are all worn out, ready for a shower and bed, eager to wake up refreshed for the next days learning and fun!

We know the children will have lots to share when they return home and we will update you all on the blog with pictures at a later date.

The children all say hello and want you all to know how much they are enjoying themselves.

We will update you with photos when we can and will see you soon!

From Year 6!

Home Learning!

Just a reminder, for home learning this week;


Times Tables

Front cover sheet


We look forward to seeing your fantastic learning on Friday 11th September!

Grease is the Word!

Rehearsals are going well!

Today we practised ‘We go together’, we are nearly there with the tricky parts!  Here are the words so you can practise…

We Go Together

We go together like
Rama-lama-lama, ka-kinga da ding-dong
Remembered forever, as
Shoo-bop sha wadda wadda
Yippity boom-de-boom
Chang chang changitty-chang shoop bop
That’s the way it should be (whaa-oohh! Yeah!)

We’re one of a kind, like dip-da-dip-da-dip
Doo wop da dooby doo
Our names are signed
Boogedy, boogedy, boogedy, boogedy, shooby-do wop-she-bop
Chang chang-a changitty chang shoop bop
We’ll always be like one (whaa-wha-wha-whaaaaaah)

When we go out at night
And stars are shining bright
Up in the skies above
Or at the high school dance
Where you can find romance
Maybe it might be la-a-a-ah-ove

(Riff Chorus)

We’re for each other, like
A wop baba lu mop ahh wop bam boom!
Just like my brother, is
Shan na na na na na yippity dip de doom
Chang chang-a changity chang shoo bop
We’ll always be together!




Photo’s from our week! D-Day Museum and Script learning for Year 6 production!

dday2 dday3 script script2

Our trip to the D-Day Museum!

On Tuesday, year 6 went to the D-day about D-day and the people who fought Museum. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot in the war. We were split into 3 groups which visited different parts of the museum. My group visited the D-day story first and at the end, there was a boat that we could adventure and witness what it was like in World War II. Next we went to the embroidery and we followed the D -Day timeline around until we got to a 15 minute movie which included interviews with people who experienced the war. After lunch, we went outside for a bit of fresh air but we were blown by the unseasonably strong wind. So we proceeded to the statues to do a quiz. Unfortunately it rained so we left early but we still had fun!
Photos to follow…

Weekly Blog

This week we have been learning all about the book called Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. We have drawn mind maps about some of the characters thinking about their point of view and how they might be feeling. We looked at the nouns and the verbs predicting what the story line is. We then went in groups and got into character and have a discussion about what we think should happen about the pancake house. We don’t want to spoil the book in case you would like to read it.
This week in maths have been practising SATS style questions by filling in booklets. Some of us have been doing levels 4-5 and level 6 booklets, preparing for May. Other than that we are learning about angles and using a protractor.
In R.E. we have been making guides on how to be a good Christian. We read the Beatitudes and used that to back up what we thought. Our Success Criteria was to refer to the Scriptures and Beatitudes and to understand that they provide a model for a Christian living. In our work we were mostly thinking about the Ten Commandments, the main one that our class agreed on is to treat others the way you want to be treated. On Tuesday 17th March year 4 joined us in a Mass at the Sacred Heart all about Self-Giving. Father Kevin showed us and talked to us about the Church and what Christians do there. We really enjoyed ourselves and hope that year 4 did to. Thank you to all the parents that helped us to walk there we could not do it without you.
This week we have been collecting Pringles Tubes so that we can view the solar eclipse on the 20th of March. Although it was cloudy, we really enjoyed using our Pinhole Cameras and we noticed a difference in the temperature. We thank Mr Mortimer, Alfie and Mrs Hudson for helping us make them, it was really worth it! We will be updating you soon with all our new topics and we are really enjoying it. Hope you all saw the Solar Eclipse, even if you didn’t we hope you enjoyed reading all about it.
By Olivia W and Charlotte K

Blog of the week!

Year 6 have had a very exiting week with red nose day, a mental math test, super cool playtimes, with lessons about the Good Samaritan and a poor widow lady in R.E

The whole school had the lovely pleasure of watching the exciting dolphin’s assembly.

The penguins class enjoyed doing a shared writing lesson with year 4, while The Seals went to the Oaklands chapel for a reflective worship.

This week, in literacy we have been finishing our endangered animals report and we are doing a new topic! Drum roll please…HOOT! We have had nouns and verbs on the board and trying to predict what will happen and then writing a story opener of our predictions

All in all it was a good week.

By Heather Layton and Stevie Clark.

Photos from our visit to the Jane Austen House!

On Monday the 2nd of March 2015 we went to the Jane Austen House Museum in Chawton.  We went to Chawton House Library where Jane Austens brother lived after he was adopted. We had a tour of the Library and did Regency dancing. We also went into Jane Austens house and did object handling. It was really fun and we all enjoyed it.

Blog by Jess Goff.

What have we been doing this week?

Welcome back!!!

Welcome back year six!!! This term we have an exciting literacy topic. We hope you had a fun half term!!!


This week, year six have been learning about the melting icecaps in the Arctic. We have produced two pieces of work: A letter from a polar bear in those conditions and a free write which ranged from a diary entry to a persuasive letter.


This week we have worked on interpreting data and mean, median, mode and range. Here is a song we have learnt to help us:

Hey diddle diddle the median’s the middle,

You add then divide for the mean,

The mode’s the one you see the most,

And the range is the difference between.


By Heather Layton

Our week in Yr 6!

SAT’s Practise

This week, year 6 have all sat another round of past SAT’s papers. We have been so impressed with the progress the children have made across Reading, Maths and SPaG.

It is great to see all of the hard work the year group have put in has paid off. Well done year 6!

We have sent home the Maths papers for the children to go through at home, checking for any mistakes they have made to assist them in tackling these math problems in future tests.

5C Assembly

The children have all been showing how we can use our learning behaviours within all of our lessons and have been rewarded in a 5C assembly for their hard work.

We would like to wish all of the children a very enjoyable half term break and we very much look forward to starting our new literacy and context topics when we return. We believe it will engage the children just as much as the last topic did!

See you all soon!

Mr Peplow and Mrs Pfeiffer!