Well done if you attempted any of the maths puzzles for last week. See below for the answers 🙂

Task One

This is one out of many possible solutions! Hopefully this will help you decide if you were correct or not.

Task Two

For this task, the answer just had to be a shape with a number of sides equal to the number of sides in the two added shapes. So – any eight straight-sided shape.

Task Three

This was a tricky one. Some possible solutions are shown above. You can see that not all of these use four 4’s. Depending on how you read the question, you may have tried 44 div by 44 =1, or (4×4) div by 4 div by 4 = 1. If you email in your ideas we will share a few..

Task Four

This was pretty straightforward too.

Circle = 5

Square = 1

Triangle = 2

Task Five

Send in your own puzzles for us to share!


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