Home Learning Fri 27th March 2020

Year 6 Home Learning

Week beginning:  Friday 27th March 2020

All of the year 6 teaching staff hope that you and your family are safe and well, and we do hope that you have been accessing this blog each day to continue, and build, on your thorough learning that was taking place before last Friday. Remember how much progress you made during this current term and if you can carry out this learning from home, then this will only consolidate and cement your learning and it will really secure the position you are all in.

Again, we are really proud of your achievements so far this year. Stay safe and keep in contact with each other – pick up the phone and SPEAK to each other!

The Year 6 Team

 Guided Reading (Allocated time for task = 30 mins per day; Reading for enjoyment = 30 mins per day)

Monday – Rooftoppers – read pages 28 – 29. Respond to the questions in your book.

Reading task – A diary entry (from Sophie’s viewpoint):

Writing as the Reader: Imagine you are Sophie writing in your diary to your mother. What would you say to her? What would you ask her? Reflect about your life, now, as it is with Charles and write about your hopes and dreams for the future.

THINK – What feeling do you want to have ‘indented’ in the mind of the reader? What feelings do you want to put across to the reader? Think about where your life is now and how far you have come, but also about the fact that you have not seen mother since that fateful day…

You have a one-and-a-half page limit. You have Tuesday to complete the diary entry too, so don’t rush – ‘STOP & SMELL!’

Tuesday – Continue and finish your diary entry (written from Sophie’s viewpoint) from yesterday.

Wednesday – Rooftoppers – read pages 33-35. Respond to the questions in your book.

Thursday – Read pages 33-35 again. Write what happens next in the story. A one page limit.

Think – how could you carry the end of the chapter on and continue the story? Make it as impactful and relevant to the story as you can and think about what feeling you want to put across to the reader. DO NOT just write a list of things that then happened between Sophie and Charles. Imagine you are the author – Rundell – and that, as the writer, you are thinking creatively about what aspects to describe and pick upon as Rundell is a very creative writer. Remember, think laterally and sideways in your writing and not just about what is going to happen next. Ensure you include action, description, dialogue and character thoughts and feelings.

Friday – Finish the continuation of the story. Proofread, edit and re-read for sense to ensure you have not left out any words and check silly errors within your spellings.


Writing (1 hour a day)

Monday – Turn to your writing work. Continue and finish your piece from Friday, ‘Most important and valuable job in the world is…’ sheet. Proofread, edit and re-read for sense to ensure you have not left out any words and check silly errors within your spellings.

Tuesday – Turn to your writing sheet, ‘The world was a better place for children before the Internet.’ Read the information and notes that have been made about both sides of the argument. Choose your viewpoint.

Plan and jot things down around this planning sheet that match your viewpoint.

Choose your viewpoint and begin writing. You have a two page limit.

Wednesday – Continue and finish writing your piece from yesterday. Check and edit your piece and check for silly spelling errors.

Thursday – Look at your Alex Honnold sheet that is in your writing book.

Watch the video again (the one we watched in class). This can be found by typing into Google ‘Alex Honnold North Face video el sendero luminoso.’ Press Enter and then click on the first video that is 6:12 long (6 minutes 12 seconds long). Jot down words, phrases and clauses that are used, for example, ‘sub-optimal.’ Use the space on the sheet for this.

Complete Activity 2 too. Think about your flow of thinking and WHEN you will exactly begin your suspense story. Think about when you will start writing – will you start when he is on the wall or will you start when Alex is walking with Cedar to the base of the cliff? THINK – How do you want the reader to feel? How can you build this feeling up within the reader?

Friday – Start writing your suspense story.

Remember, STOP and SMELL as you are describing things within the scene on the wall. Use your senses to elaborate on your thinking and build a ‘sense’ and ‘atmosphere’ when Alex is on the wall. THINK – listen for the wind when Alex is on the wall. How could you hook this into your writing?
Make sure you balance suspense (shorter sentences) with description (longer sentences) to keep your sentence structure varied, purposeful, precise and effective. Consider your word and verb choice to ensure you are precise and accurate.

Grammar (3 times a week – 1 ½ hours total)

Please visit www.Satsbootcamp.co.uk

(30 mins) Click on Literacy bootcamp and select Day 3: Apostrophes.

Explore the Learn, Games and Tests and Quizzes options. Play around with these links and test yourself!

(30 mins) Then, go to Practise SATS tests link in the top right corner. Click on the SPAG Short Answers link. Please carry out the SPAG short answers Test 10. It says to give yourself 45 minutes, but you should be fine with 30 mins for the test!

(30 mins) Go to the Practise SATS tests link in the top right corner. Click on the SPAG Short Answers link. Please carry out the SPAG short answers Test 9. It says to give yourself 45 minutes, but you should be fine with 30 mins for the test!

Spelling (15 minutes every day)

Apply the words below into a range of different sentences.












Challenge! What are the antonyms (opposite meaning of a word) of ‘sensibly, violence, thorough, sympathetic and coarse.’ List them in your book!



 This week, we are going to have a go at solving a real-life investigation!


First, go to BBC Bitesize to revise adding fractions:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhdwxnb/articles/z9n4k7h

OK? Now have a go at this activity

Shawn is helping to build a swing-set. Your task is to help him decide how much of each product (chains, wood etc) he will need.

Now visit https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Frac040102w  (you will need to allow pop-ups and enable flash on your device).

Work through the slides, reading and following the questions on the post it notes before you move on to the next slide. You will need some paper to draw out the table (I cannot attach it to the blog for you to print).

Good luck! We will post the answers at the end of the week 🙂


Today we will continue with the swing set problem, but this time you get to decide which types of swing you will include! There is room for 6 swings in total.

Go to this link https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Frac040103w   and work through the slides and post-it notes as before. I wonder which combination you will choose and how you will add the different amounts of equipment?



Today is the final day of our swing-set problem! You now get to decide which swings you will include in a new set for the school. You can use some of the swings we have already seen, but you can also design your own swings that you know St Peter’s pupils will enjoy. Of course, you will then have to decide how much of each item such as chains, rope, wood your new swing will need. Be creative and have fun!

The lesson slides can be found here: https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Frac040104w


Thursday and Friday

Use Satsbootcamp and complete arithmetic test 2 as quickly and efficiently as you can.

Also visit Sumdog  and MyMaths 

Some tasks have been set.



Research about different theories of evolution and how thinking has changed over the centuries.

Some useful links are:



Well done for getting stuck-in to your learning. We will be setting some geography topic work next week to liven things up for you and are currently investigating a different learning platform for sharing the resources, as the blog is limiting in what we are able to upload. We would also like to communicate with you all more easily. Watch this space.

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