It’s OK to struggle….

This week we have been developing our problem solving skills by tackling this tricky problem:

Here is a bar model

A      B

A is an odd number which rounds to 100,000 to the nearest ten thousand.
It has a digit total
of 30.

B is an even number which rounds to 500,000 to the nearest hundred thousand.
It has a digit total of 10.

A and B are both multiples of 5 but end in different digits.

Find possible answers for A and B

Together we learnt how to unpick the problem, identify key information and decide on strategies. One of these was working systematically to find all possibilities for A and B. We then used our reasoning skills to identify pairs of numbers that A and B could be. Sounds simple written down but we were really impressed with the children’s resilience and willingness to struggle through to the end. It was obvious when someone had solved the problem as shouts of ‘I’ve got it!!’ or ‘We’ve done it!’ filled the room. Developing these skills will support the children well in all areas of maths.

In English we have moved on to writing character descriptions for either Fagin, Bill Sikes or Dodger from Oliver Twist. Although it can be relatively easy to describe what someone looks like, it is much more difficult to communicate what they are like in personality and mannerisms; this has been our focus during the week. We hope to have these finished soon to display in the hall alongside our sketches of the same characters.

R.E. has seen us complete our Creation unit by interpreting the meaning behind the story of Cain and Abel. Why did God prefer Abel’s offering? Why did Cain murder Abel? Why did God punish Cain to a life of wandering? We learnt that jealousy, bitterness and anger can destroy us so it is much better to forgive.

Fairthorne Manor is now just around the corner! Just a reminder to drop children in the north playground as normal on Monday morning. Remember that medication needs to be named with clear dosage instructions and that children can bring a named purse with up to £5 spending money. We are looking forward to having a very exciting week – hopefully with some unseasonably warm weather.

The Year 6 Team


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