Didn’t they do well!!!

Well it’s all over – SATs week has come and gone!

There are many reasons why people work in education but the over-whelming one is the children and this week has been no exception.  We can not express how proud we have been of their committment to revision at home, revision in class and the way in which they have conducted themselves this week. Their positive and calm approach has shown their maturity and respect of this whole process and the atmosphere this week has been focused and confident. It has made all the preperation for these tests worthwhile for the children to feel that they had the skills and knowledge to approach the tests confidently. We have loved sharing this week’s smiles and comments such as “Yes, I felt really good about that paper” and “I’m so proud and I tried my best” with them all.  A real priviledge with such lovely children.

We enjoyed some down time with a film and ‘cinema treats’ courtesy of Mr Cunningham as well as chocolate muffins courtesy of the kitchen. Also, the children enjoyed a day of art today creating their bunting for the World Record attempt and completing ‘The Cows of Cowplain’. This was all rounded off with an ice lolly and free time on the field. A fabulous end to a great week.

Now on with our production, Annie. We watched the film to understand the story and inspire the children to audition for a part. Scripts will go home on Monday for those children who wish to have a speaking and/or singing part. Auditions will take place on Thursday/Friday afternoon.

We will be beginning a new English unit next week based on the children’s book ‘Stormbreaker’. We would like to show the children the film so a permission letter will be sent out next week as the film is rated PG.

RE will see us begin our Pentacost and Mission unit.

Have a wonderful weekend, free from SATs revision.

The Year 6 Team


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