Summer Term – Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all! We hope that the Easter holidays provided some well-deserved relaxation for families.

This week has been a busy return to work. We began our persuasive writing unit with a shocking announcement from Mr Cunningham with regards proposed plans for the school field. As per the Headteacher’s weekly blog, it was all a ruse but created a passionate furore to provide a fantastic stimulus for our letter writing over the next two weeks.

SATs preperation continues well in Maths and we continue to focus on consolidating and deepening the children’s learning needs to ensure they feel confident in these assessments. Fractions, decimals and percentages remains a key focus area.

R.E. lessons continue to look at Easter and focus on the scripture accounts of the Resurrection of Christ from differing viewpoints. The children began to engage in discussion and critical analysis of these accounts, as well as the depiction in art of ‘Douting Thomas’.

The class prayer bag will continue to be sent home weekly. Details of how to share this with your child are in the accompanying note book in the bag.

Enjoy your extended weekend with your families.  School resumes on Tuesday 2nd May.

The Year 6 Team

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