Happy Half Term!!

Our last week of this half term has been busy as usual.  Although we having been moving towards half term, some great learning has taken place in Maths and English.

In Maths, we have been working hard on fractions, decimals and percentages and exloring the relationship between these concepts across different areas of Maths. The children have also been calculating fractions and applying this learning to solve fraction multi-step word problems. They have been working so hard to improve this area of Maths and it has been so lovely to see how proud the children are feeling because of all their effort.

Today we concluded our English unit on Shaun Tan’s ‘The Arrival’ with some stunning diary writing. We have been focusing on developing sentence structure in our descriptive writing. The children have been working hard to write from the point of view of the main protagonist using a variety of sentences for effect. As a year 6 team, we are very proud of what the children wrote in terms of both quality and quantity. A great way to end our half term in English.

In our library session today, Mrs D introduced the Year 6 children to a new reading incentive they will be taking part in from next half term. Ask your child to explain it to you. More details to follow after half term.

Thank you to all of those parents who attended the SATs meeting on Wednesday. If you didn’t, the children will be bringing home today a letter about the SATs arrangements in May, a memory stick with study information on, a SPAG mat for revision, a list of suggested revision websites, Year 5/6 spellings and finally, a copy of a SATs arithmetic paper.

Can we remind you that Mock SATs will take place from Monday 27th February – Friday 3rd March. We are aware that a half term holiday is a chance for you to enjoy time as a family having fun, however we have set Maths homework online and reading on Bug Club if you feel your child would welcome an opportunity to keep their learning momentum up for their return to school. If you feel you would like to help prepare your child for the Mock SATs, then thank you in advance.

We wish you all a very happy half term.

Year 6 Team



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