A nice end to the week…

After a busy week learning, Year 6 enjoyed a beautifully sunny but cold day at Beaulieu Motor Museum today. To link with English text of ‘Stormbreaker’ and history topic of spies in history, the children became members of spy school and had to undertake tasks to crack codes and find information about the spies who trained at Beaulieu.

The children were also taken into the car museum to see some of the WW2 vehicles used and had the opportunity to sit in the type of American war jeep that was dropped into Northern France during the war.

Who knew that Beaulieu had such a secretive past with the Special Operations Executive (S.O.E) and housed and trained spies such as Pearl Witherington , Violette Szabo and Noor Inayat Khan. We will be following up our visit next week with the children looking at gadgets and code poems. A huge thank you for parental support on the trip. It is always so appreciated that you can support the school in this way.

Next week in English, we will be looking at designing spy gadgets – writing persuasive and explanation texts.  In Maths we will be focusing on fractions and measurements linked to multiplication and division. In RE, we will continue to explore the impact of revelation on St Paul.

Finally, a quick reminder for any empty shoe boxes to be brought in for our science project.  Many thanks.

Enjoy your weekend,

Year 6 Team



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