4th November

Dear Parents and Carers,

Back at school after half term holiday for only four days, but still a lot achieved this week.

We have been enjoying our work on poetry related to Remembrance and World War I. Next week we will be writing our own poems and practising them for inclusion in our Remembrance service on Friday. You might like to help your child find and read more poetry on the subject this weekend so that they further develop their ideas and vocabulary for their work next week.

We have finished working on fractions in maths – for the moment, at least – and will be turning our attention to measures. Look out for opportunities to use these at home, as maths in real life contexts is always more meaningful. Maths homework has been set on Abacus and My Maths.

You should have received a letter today about the use of social media by children under the age of 13. If you haven’t, please ask for one. It is important that you have a discussion about this with your child to ensure they fully understand the issues. Also, please remember that Mr Austin is running an e-safety workshop for parents on November 10th at 2.30  in the school hall. If you haven’t already signed up for this, there is still time.

We have had some rain this week and many children have had no coat. With a coat, they are able to stay outside when the weather is a bit wet; without a coat, they are more likely to be brought inside for wet break. They really need the fresh air and time to run around, so please encourage them to wear a coat to school.

You will know about the accident suffered by one of our Year 6 pupils yesterday. We have been holding her in our thoughts and prayers, and all children will have the opportunity to send her cards and messages early next week.

Many of you will be attending firework celebrations this weekend. Have a wonderful time and stay safe.

Looking forward to seeing you at Parents evenings,


The Year Six team.

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