Friday 7th October 2016

Dear Parents,

We have been working hard this week, studying Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. The children have been using their creativity skills to plan their own Just So ‘Giraffe’ story, which we are looking forward to writing next week.

We have spent some time investigating fractions this week. The year 6 teachers are getting very excited about continuing fraction work next week, however we have received a mixed reaction from the children – some smiles, some groans!! If you feel like doing a fraction related investigation of your own this weekend, this could make your child feel more confident for next week.  Thank you.

At the beginning of the week, we had a visit from local PCSOs who delivered a session about Drink Driving and invited children to design a poster for a local community competition to discourage drink driving as we go towards Christmas. Children have brought their poster home this week to complete as part of their homework tasks.

Maths activities are available for your child.

As part of our CAFOD fundraising event today, the children enjoyed the challenge of designing, planning and resourcing their team’s activity. A good time was had by all and were very proud to have contributed to the total raised.

Have a great weekend (especially if it includes fractions 🙂

The Year 6 Team


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