Friday, 30th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

The end of another busy week. We have enjoyed looking back on our week at Stubbington and the children have written some very entertaining diary entries about their favourite experiences. We have some interesting Science lessons coming up, based on our field work there.

Next week is a big week for CAFOD fundraising. Year 6 will be working on three fundraising events – either a penalty shoot-out, a drawing competition or a cup and ball aiming competition. Your child will tell you which one he/she has signed up for. Donations of wrapped sweets for the cup and ball will be gratefully received. On Thursday we have Wear it Bright day and look forward to a rainbow coloured class.

We enjoyed looking at each other’s Home Learning Adventure books today. Please continue to encourage your children to work in them and to bring them to school each week. Home Learning diaries should be in class every day. There are now some Abacus activities posted for homework and we will try to add My Maths next week. New spellings will be sent home in diaries on Monday.

As always, please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.

The Year Six team.

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