Close of play on our Science Circulatory System unit

Year 6 have enjoyed over the last term learning about the Circulatory system, the Respiratory system and the Cardiovascular system within their Science lessons. The culmination of this saw them analyse and unpick their class investigation results as well as making their own graph results within their Computing. Children discussed how football and rugby data from PE showed that perhaps in football, children had a faster pace per km and that they ran, jogged or walked slightly further than in rugby. They enjoyed realising that this, of course, was only the evidence within one snapshot of one match for each. There could be some notational analysts within the year group that could work for performance sports clubs in the future!

In other news, a Parentmail has been sent home to year 6 parents today informing you of a SATs parents’ meeting at 5:00pm in the school hall on Thursday 26th January, 2023. This will be a 30-minute meeting letting you know about SATs week, the preparations within the Spring term and how you can help at home.

Many thanks, and have a great weekend.

The Year 6 Team

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