Tuesday Fairthorne fun day!!!

A full menu of the school’s learning values were on display in Botley today where the children dived into their first full day of ‘Challenge-by-Choice’ activities that saw them conquer some personal goals!

Cooperation and Curiosity came to the fore in the shape of ‘Raft Building’ and ‘The Climbing Tower’ for the groups. Children were encouraged to visualise on the tower where they aimed to reach and then after a go on both sides of the wall they were able to see by how much they had surpassed their goal! Every child attempted the wall twice and communication became key as children looked to secure their footing and hand holds from their peers below. They were really able to get across the idea of “Place your right foot UP on to the yellow triangle,” for example, to help the climber.

The most fun was debatably on the water where the children built a raft and got to then see if it floated!!! In most cases it was functional although some children ‘accidentally’ fell overboard!

More fun and games await tomorrow – they are currently playing ‘Uno Flip’ in the corridor and enjoying each other’s company!!!

Night Night!

The Year 6 Team.



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