Back in the groove…

Welcome back!

Following their two-week break, the Year 6 children fell straight back into their excellent learning behaviours and applied themselves to putting the finishing touches to their English and Maths skills. We have been impressed with the dedication shown, particularly of those children who completed and returned their Easter Maths booklet as well as making the most of the SATsBootcamp website to keep up with their reading and grammar skills. They have well and truly earned a three-day weekend!


The SATs are almost here and the children have all worked extremely hard up to this point.

For homework, we would like ALL children to use the SATsBootcamp website to keep their knowledge and skills in tip-top condition. The children will know specific areas of learning that they would like to feel more confident with – it is these topics that should be the focus for their home learning at this point in time.

Daily practice – little and often –  is best.

If you have any of the CGP books, these can also be used to ‘focus-in’ on weaker areas.


Wishing everyone a wonderful bank holiday weekend!

The Year 6 Team


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