Reflection in many forms

The week has seen the children take a very objective view of their writing and they have really had the time to reflect upon their Fairthorne Report – editing, reflection and adaptation have been central to their role as ‘Writer’ and ‘Reader’.

On top of this, Year 6 have immersed in the film ‘Hidden Figures’ as part of our Black History focus, which explores and offers a deeper insight into the lives of the ‘Computers’ – the women who worked at NASA during the Space Race of the 1960s. A key figure the children have delved into is that of Katherine Johnson, and they explored the barriers and obstacles she faced as a young black woman in 1960s America. Children really demonstrated a mature and empathetic outlook which they should be proud of. This has allowed them to have the thinking space to see what learning values of the school Katherine exhibited. Furthermore, children have made links between the qualities Katherine showed and the core values Saint Oscar Romero displayed during his lifetime. The month of November is synonymous with the idea of Reflection, and the children’s learning has aligned with this.

Please see below an example of the Report writing…

Stewardship Project

This Monday we are delighted to be welcoming Rachel Mason from the Two Saints charity into Year 6. She will be explaining to the children the work that her organisation carries out in our local area and giving further insight into the problems faced by rough sleepers. We are all looking forward to this and the children have armed themselves with some very thoughtful questions.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team

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