The sum of two parts…

Another week has flown by with the Year 6 children enjoying a varied and challenging set of learning opportunities.

Our maths has focused on finding efficient and accurate ways of adding numbers, through rounding and adjusting, redistribution of one number to another or through most people’s favourite – the column method. We have been impressed with the lateral thinking that took place in class and the explanations and reasoning children were able to give to support their choices of method. Maybe you can ask your child if they can add up your shopping bill mentally as you make your way around the shops this weekend?!

English has seen the children continue to develop their ideas and sentence structures for their upcoming retelling of how Lucy found the wardrobe in C S Lewis’ ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’. They are all making good progress in combining action, description, thoughts and feelings into their work.

We are continuing with running in our weekly class PE sessions, and are glad to be able to confirm that the children are doing well, running further and for longer. This practice will stand them in good stead when we are having to move between activities at Fairthorne Manor.

Many thanks to all for returning your meal choice forms. We hope you are managing to find items that are required on the kit list. If you are finding it difficult to secure any items, do let us know as we may well be able to find what you need from within the school community.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

The Year 6 Team

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