Getting into their stride…

Another solid week of learning has been enjoyed in Year 6, with the children now familiar with the daily routines and expectations.

Thank you to all parents/carers who were able to attend the ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Monday. We hope it was helpful and informative. Do let us know if you require clarification on any aspect of Year 6 life!

Our English learning culminated with the children penning an opening to their own version of ‘Way Home’. Through this, they focused on building layers of extra detail into their writing, considering where they could use action, description, thoughts and feelings or dialogue. This has resulted in some lively and engaging writing to share with their peers.

RE has begun its focus on Moses and the Ten Commandments, where the children considered the impact this set of rules would have had on the Hebrews given that they had spent many tough years in the wilderness. This thinking will all help the children when they come to respond to our question, “Is it easy to be a follower of God?”

Fairthorne Manor is just over one month away and preparations are continuing at pace. Please look out for the ‘Kit List’ and ‘Meal Choices Sheet’ that will be sent home this coming Monday. The latter needs to be completed in consultation with your child so that they understand the different meals they will be enjoying over the week. Further details surrounding the organisation of the residential will be relayed to parents via an online Teams presentation at 5:00pm on Monday 27th September.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you then.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 6 Team

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