A fun week of wider curriculum studies!

Our learning this week has certainly had a worldly theme, tying in with our study of Brazil and looking forward to the start of the European Football Championships.

In topic, the children have used their research skills to discover more facts about the indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest, using these to create a fact file.  We focused on the Awa tribe, of whom only approximately 350 remain in the forest. Incredibly, there are still 100 of these who have yet to come into contact with the modern world. Their continual fight for survival in the face of logging companies shows us how important it is that we all make efforts to reduce deforestation.

To mirror our topic, we have now begun to read ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell which promises to be a gripping tale of survival. Pupils have also crafted their own Rio Carnival masks in Art and continue to learn and refine their dancing skills ready to unleash a jaw-dropping performance in front of the whole school in a few weeks time!

Our week came to a close with a wonderfully delivered and informative visit from Father Jeremy, where he explained, using many though provoking stories, how the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are at work in the world and in us. This is a tricky concept for children to understand but Father Jeremy had the children hooked for the duration of his visit. Thank you Father Jeremy!

Have a wonderful weekend

The Year 6 Team


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