Settling in…

What a busy week! The children have started to settle into the learning pattern of the week and their new learning environment. We have finished our first mini-unit  in English and we are now practising our skills in some writing based on ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C S Lewis. This will be followed quickly by another piece based on ‘Harry Potter’. These units will focus on developing the children’s control and use of a range of clauses within sentences and their precision within this. Hopefully they will be fired up by the settings that are revealed.

The children enjoyed their PE this week where they played football in small teams and focused on their spatial awareness and the pitch around them. By the end, they looked ready for the England Team!

In maths we are coming to the end of our unit on number and place value, and have been developing our skills in rounding and using negative numbers in context.

It has been good to see so many children in possession of the ‘Reading Passport’ books and the ‘Must Reads’. We have been fortunate enough to have Mrs Porter, the school librarian, visit our classes each week to enable children to take out books of interest. She has also been inspiring us with classic tales such as ‘The Lady of Shalott’. Great intonation Mrs P!

We are looking forward to the Year 6 Mass with Father Jeremy next Tuesday.

Please keep encouraging your children with the home learning tasks. These are marked in class every Friday and should be in school on that day (or before).

Have an enjoyable weekend.

The Year 6 Team



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