It was lovely to welcome back the children after their well-deserved Easter Break! Well done to all of those who managed to make time to continue working on and revisiting those areas of learning that will give them confidence in the upcoming SATs.
On that note, please see below for details of a special ‘Year 6 Breakfast Club’ that will be made available during SATs week itself.
Friday 21st April 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
As you are aware, Year 6 pupils will sit their end of Key Stage SATs tests during the week beginning Monday 8th May. With Monday 8th a Bank Holiday, their first test will take place on Tuesday 9th May. We have been really impressed with the effort that all pupils have been putting in to prepare for these assessments.
Outlined below is a summary of some of the steps the Year 6 team have taken to ensure that SATs week is as stress-free as possible for our pupils.
All Year 6 pupils are invited to a free breakfast club each morning during SATS week. Breakfast club will open at 8am and close at 8:30am. All children will be supervised by members of staff until the start of lessons at 8:50am. This has proved very successful in the past as we have found that it helps to settle any nerves and gives pupils time to talk to their friends before they enter the classroom. Pupils attending Breakfast Club should enter through the main hall side door just opposite the middle carpark where they will be met by a Breakfast Club staff member.
The Year 6 teachers have spent a considerable amount of time giving careful thought to the needs of each individual pupil to help ensure that their SATs week experience is a positive one. As well as the main Year 6 classrooms, a number of other rooms in the school will also be used by pupils when sitting their tests. This helps to ensure that pupils have enough space and also supports the needs of any pupils who work more effectively in a smaller setting. As well as the Year 6 teaching team, there will be a number of other staff members from across the school helping to administer the tests. All staff involved in administering the test have received training in advance.
The Year 6 team have also spent time talking pupils through how the tests will be administered to help familiarise them with the process. Pupils have already completed mock SATs tests which have been undertaken in the same way that they will experience during SATs week. All of this is to help ensure that there are no surprises for pupils on the day.
Pupils can be supported by you at home by helping to ensure that they get a good night’s sleep before each of the test days.
Below is a reminder of the timetable for SATs week:
Tuesday 9th May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling
Wednesday 10th May: English reading
Thursday 11th May: Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
Friday 12th May: Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
If you have any further questions around SATs week, please do get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Mr Crozier
Deputy Headteacher