Ready to haul anchor and set sail towards new horizons…

Following the fun and festivities of the Christmas period it has been lovely to see the children again and return to our regular school-week routines. We have been very impressed with the way in which they have all seamlessly re-engaged with their learning.

For the Spring Term, our English unit will focus on a range of writing outcomes linked to the endeavours of Ernest Shackleton – the great polar explorer. The children will be: crafting a Job advertisement to recruit crew; writing a speech to rouse the men when at their lowest ebb; narrating the scene when the ship Endurance finally began to be taken by the sea; writing as Shackleton a letter home to his dear wife Emily. They are already showing great engagement with this new topic so we are very much looking forward to reading these pieces.

Have a relaxing weekend.

The Year 6 Team



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