Monthly Archives: January, 2023

The bravery of Saul

This week we have been taking a closer look at the impact on Saul  of Jesus speaking to him while on the road to Damascus. This is where we get the phrases  ‘A Damascus moment’ or ‘I have seen the light’ from. Saul’s revelation had a profound impact on him, causing him to cease his campaign of hate towards the Church and actually becoming an enemy of the Jews by preaching about God in the synagogues!

This work will help the children as they attempt to answer our bigger question – ‘How do the examples of Jesus’ followers guide us today?’

Below you will find two examples of Year 6 pupil work:

Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 Team

Close of play on our Science Circulatory System unit

Year 6 have enjoyed over the last term learning about the Circulatory system, the Respiratory system and the Cardiovascular system within their Science lessons. The culmination of this saw them analyse and unpick their class investigation results as well as making their own graph results within their Computing. Children discussed how football and rugby data from PE showed that perhaps in football, children had a faster pace per km and that they ran, jogged or walked slightly further than in rugby. They enjoyed realising that this, of course, was only the evidence within one snapshot of one match for each. There could be some notational analysts within the year group that could work for performance sports clubs in the future!

In other news, a Parentmail has been sent home to year 6 parents today informing you of a SATs parents’ meeting at 5:00pm in the school hall on Thursday 26th January, 2023. This will be a 30-minute meeting letting you know about SATs week, the preparations within the Spring term and how you can help at home.

Many thanks, and have a great weekend.

The Year 6 Team

Ready to haul anchor and set sail towards new horizons…

Following the fun and festivities of the Christmas period it has been lovely to see the children again and return to our regular school-week routines. We have been very impressed with the way in which they have all seamlessly re-engaged with their learning.

For the Spring Term, our English unit will focus on a range of writing outcomes linked to the endeavours of Ernest Shackleton – the great polar explorer. The children will be: crafting a Job advertisement to recruit crew; writing a speech to rouse the men when at their lowest ebb; narrating the scene when the ship Endurance finally began to be taken by the sea; writing as Shackleton a letter home to his dear wife Emily. They are already showing great engagement with this new topic so we are very much looking forward to reading these pieces.

Have a relaxing weekend.

The Year 6 Team