Monthly Archives: October, 2022

Not quite ready to leave yet…

Our penultimate day at Fairthorne Manor culminated with a Campfire to top off yet another quality set of sessions!

Resilience and Creativity were in abundance during the Pioneering activity where the children had to make their very own A-frame swing from wooden beams of different sizes and rope! Some interesting dialogue about the word ‘Pioneer’ was had by the group before the commencement of the lesson which was craftily segwayed into a 25 second history lesson from Mr Cunningham in response to Alfie’s informative answer. You see, every day is a learning day for St Peter’s!

The children’s water-based activities finished today in the shape of Kayaking, where they sharpened their skills on the water when using paddles from a sitting-down position. Games were enjoyed on the water and the children jumped in at the end, showing their water confidence in the process!

Take a look at the photos below!!!

Fuelled up for more fun!

After an overcast start to the day, we were blessed with some wonderful weather for our Wednesday activity schedule. The children, fuelled by their ample breakfasts, were still full of beans as they got stuck into raft building, stand-up paddleboarding, firelighting and pioneering to name just a few. A hearty dinner of spaghetti bolognese saw them primed for a glitterball disco in the sports hall. The children were worryingly good at ‘Cotton Eyed Joe’ and the ‘Macarena’ choreography!!!

Until tomorrow!

The Year 6 Team


Tuesday Fairthorne fun day!!!

A full menu of the school’s learning values were on display in Botley today where the children dived into their first full day of ‘Challenge-by-Choice’ activities that saw them conquer some personal goals!

Cooperation and Curiosity came to the fore in the shape of ‘Raft Building’ and ‘The Climbing Tower’ for the groups. Children were encouraged to visualise on the tower where they aimed to reach and then after a go on both sides of the wall they were able to see by how much they had surpassed their goal! Every child attempted the wall twice and communication became key as children looked to secure their footing and hand holds from their peers below. They were really able to get across the idea of “Place your right foot UP on to the yellow triangle,” for example, to help the climber.

The most fun was debatably on the water where the children built a raft and got to then see if it floated!!! In most cases it was functional although some children ‘accidentally’ fell overboard!

More fun and games await tomorrow – they are currently playing ‘Uno Flip’ in the corridor and enjoying each other’s company!!!

Night Night!

The Year 6 Team.



Day 1 done!!!

Good evening all!

It has been a fantastic first day here at Fairthorne Manor where the children have been blessed with two of their opening activities, a ‘Wide Games’ evening and a showering of sun throughout the day. The children’s torches were in full force tonight when each class played-off against each other in a set of fun games in the relative darkness of the Botley night sky!

Having settled in well to the evening routines already, the children have brushed their teeth and are presently in their rooms trying to rest-up before their first full day tomorrow. All quiet in Ben’s House as we type!!!

Come back tomorrow for further updates!!! A few photos for you below…

Until tomorrow…!

The Year 6 Team

Learning from the experiences of others.

You may be aware that the month of October is also ‘Black History Month’.

In recognition of this, our Year 6 pupils have begun reading ‘Journey to Jo’berg’, a modern classic written by Beverley Naidoo which tells the story of two young siblings who walk the long journey to Johannesburg in order to find their mother. It isn’t until they finally reach Jo’burg that they see up close what life is like for black citizens across South Africa—and begin to really question the unfair and dangerous laws of apartheid.

With apartheid having ended in 1994, we wanted the children to understand more about what life was like in South Africa before this date. Thankfully Miss Wibberley grew up in South Africa and was able to spend a valuable thirty minutes  explaining the laws of apartheid and answering the many questions the children raised.

They will now have a much greater awareness as they respond to their guided reading questions.